Day Trading US stocks


Junior member
I want to guage if there is any interest if I held a live class for day trading US stocks. Im a professional day trader in the US that comes to London quite often. I've trained other traders at my old firm. I would imagine the format to be: Meet 2 hours before market opens (12:30) Introduce what I look for these days. Go over various strategies. Trade during first 2 to 3 hours of the day to see these strategies at work. Of course answer any questions.

PM me or post here if you think it would be interesting, or not or flame away, up to you!
Sounds like a great idea, I currently trade DJIA and would appreciate any other strategies to consider.

Let me know if you decide to go ahead.
Live trading class -this could be a fun day and enjoyable.So let us know of progress and Pm me as to the progress etc.

You quoted :
Those who can trade, only teach what doesn't work anymore!"

Does this mean that you will be teaching "what doesnt work anymore" if your live class goes ahead or will you "break the mould" and show what does work ? 🙂

Hehe! Nice one Paul...Who knows, maybe it will work for that one day Im showing everyone. Maybe it wont work! But I think it will be fun, interesting and exciting to see. And at the very least, people will see how one day trader trades.

For everyone, this was just a quick thought that I had. It stemmed from the number of courses and training videos being offered that cost thousands. I dont think something like this should cost that much. I think I will get a lot out of this also.

I've gotten a lot of positive responses so far. I'll keep everyone posted as to the progress of this experiment. I will be back in London in September. By then I should have all the logistics planned out.

consider me a definite maybe


HiProb said:
I want to guage if there is any interest if I held a live class for day trading US stocks. Im a professional day trader in the US that comes to London quite often. I've trained other traders at my old firm. I would imagine the format to be: Meet 2 hours before market opens (12:30) Introduce what I look for these days. Go over various strategies. Trade during first 2 to 3 hours of the day to see these strategies at work. Of course answer any questions.

PM me or post here if you think it would be interesting, or not or flame away, up to you!
I don't want to sound rude in any way at all, but I have noticed a bit of a glut of US traders flying over to London at the moment. Many people on these boards will have been through the "going to courses" stage of their trading careers and have discovered that, you really have to do the work yourself.

That said, I did attend a course run by Larry Pesavento a month or two ago. It was interesting, but really did not atler the way in which I trade. There was, however, one thing that he did say that was invaluable - get the book "Trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas. This book is a complete must for anyone who wants to be a consistently successful trader.