Day Trading forecast for the US market from Oscar Carboni


Good morning from Las Vegas,
I’m new here and I want to share with you all my daily forecast for the US Market. I will update this topic daily for my forecast, so please don’t forget to check it everyday.

Today’s forecast May 9th, 2018:
We expect Gold to move lower while Russell 2000 ES and Nasdaq should be in a position of buying the dips. Dollar to move higher.

Some of you might wonder why this forecast? You can watch my daily youtube video for more detail:
Day Trading Forecast for the US Market uMay 10, 2018

End of day wrap up for Wednesday 05/09/2018

On Wednesday the markets reacted exactly to what OMNI forecast in Tuesday nights video.

The Call to Sell Short Gold made money for OMNIACS who participated in the trade.

The Call to Buy Russell 2000 made money for OMNIACS who participated as well !

Moving forward, tonight's video, the video link posted below is for trading tomorrow, Thursday 05/10/2018

Tonight's video features buying long ES / Nasdaq & Russell 2000, Buying Crude Oil, Selling Gold and expecting US T Bonds to move lower raising interest rates on borrowing.

End of day wrap up for Wednesday 05/09/2018

Day Trading Forecast May 10, 2018

On Wednesday the markets reacted exactly to what OMNI forecast in Tuesday nights video.

The Call to Sell Short Gold made money for OMNIACS who participated in the trade.

The Call to Buy Russell 2000 made money for OMNIACS who participated as well !

Moving forward, tonight's video, the video link posted below is for trading tomorrow, Thursday 05/10/2018

Tonight's video features buying long ES / Nasdaq & Russell 2000, Buying Crude Oil, Selling Gold and expecting US T Bonds to move lower raising interest rates on borrowing.