Day Trading E-Mini S&P Futures DVD

FX Trader


Does anyone have "Day Trading E-Mini S&P Futures DVD" by Malcolm Robinson? If so would you be willing to do a swap?
I have various books on trading and loads of audio books on self improvement. Authors include Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy and more.

FX Trader
Not sure I would recommend it. It's ok I spose. The dvd is only 29 minutes long. For the full price that's pretty steep. It gives a decent methodology though. Note sure if it's valuable yet though. I don't want to be personal but he doesn't look like the kind of person who is a successful trader. How does for that matter?
I think I will add to my previous post. Ol' Malcolm seems to have alienated people a bit with his selling style. I must say though, as for the method on this DVD, I think it's pretty good. It's simple & might actually work. It's certainly got all of the things that are preached on these boards. I can't help thinking that ol' Malc doesn't actually trade though......