Dax Trading 13th to 17th


Active member
Had a disaster on Friday lost my Broadband internetat 3pm so missed all the fun. I was so frustrated. It was a fault on the line apparently.A nightmare! 24hours and back up & running.

At least next week is a new week.

I would not be surprised to see another test of lows on monday before up. I have heard about the 13th as a turn for the Dax from a German cycle trader. So worth noting.

Talking about a 10% correction 8151 was the high - 10% = 7335 that number on Friday was a good support apart from a couple of dips under.

Question is what will Asia do Sunday night? this is what will set the pace for Dax & US on Monday. I am hoping for a nice dip as I missed out on Friday.:cheesy: It is only fair after all.:cheesy:
Morning All.....

Thankfully my short order from friday never got triggered. I set it a few ticks below the closing price, so if as happened this morning the price went up, I wasn't in the trade...pheww !

Dax looks as confusing as ever !

Off to look at oil.

May trade the dax when I have a solid idea as to what is going to happen.

it's because i'm not hear :cheesy: Today has been a right pain in the ****. For some reason my charting software has decided that it doesn't want to to connect to my data feed :rolleyes: Been trying to get it sorted all day with tech support, i even went out and bought windows vista, formatted my computer and resintalled everything, only for it to be a complete waste of time. Hope fully tech support will get back to me, but they seem pretty useless to be honest. If it isn't sorted by lunch time tomorrow, i'm just write it off and stick my hand in my pocket to get the full esignal whammy...

I've put together a new system that i'm gonna back test this week. If it pulls through the tests then i'll pass it on to you guys...
it's because i'm not hear :cheesy: Today has been a right pain in the ****. For some reason my charting software has decided that it doesn't want to to connect to my data feed :rolleyes: Been trying to get it sorted all day with tech support, i even went out and bought windows vista, formatted my computer and resintalled everything, only for it to be a complete waste of time. Hope fully tech support will get back to me, but they seem pretty useless to be honest. If it isn't sorted by lunch time tomorrow, i'm just write it off and stick my hand in my pocket to get the full esignal whammy...

I've put together a new system that i'm gonna back test this week. If it pulls through the tests then i'll pass it on to you guys...
it's because i'm not hear :cheesy: Today has been a right pain in the ****. For some reason my charting software has decided that it doesn't want to to connect to my data feed :rolleyes: Been trying to get it sorted all day with tech support, i even went out and bought windows vista, formatted my computer and resintalled everything, only for it to be a complete waste of time. Hope fully tech support will get back to me, but they seem pretty useless to be honest. If it isn't sorted by lunch time tomorrow, i'm just write it off and stick my hand in my pocket to get the full esignal whammy...

I've put together a new system that i'm gonna back test this week. If it pulls through the tests then i'll pass it on to you guys...

nice one Kevin

trade2win boards not working properly

been locked out of t2w for 2 days, very odd. just not able to load it up. hence not posting.

got a short signal at 7437 so will be watching for shorting opps now. plus dow looking week.

dont want to try longs below 500.

been getting a bit of intraday dow action so not totally boring...:LOL:
keep an eye on Dax quote....currently up 2 @ 7427 for tomorrow but if SPX doesn't rally and stays around or breaks it's 1429 low Dax should retest 7370 at least tomorrow....:cool:
keep an eye on Dax quote....currently up 2 @ 7427 for tomorrow but if SPX doesn't rally and stays around or breaks it's 1429 low Dax should retest 7370 at least tomorrow....:cool:

Dax still quoted up 2.....looks wrong to me....:rolleyes:
Dax still quoted up 2.....looks wrong to me....:rolleyes:

Am I playing on my own tonite..?? If we don't see a test of lows at least 7370ish 2 row I'm a transexual Chinaman with a limp......:LOL: :LOL:

currently Dax still looks value @ -10..... 7415
i've been at my old mans place all day, doing a bit of trading with him. I had 3 trades on the dax on 10mins using 39,1,1 for +80 at the end of the day
i've been at my old mans place all day, doing a bit of trading with him. I had 3 trades on the dax on 10mins using 39,1,1 for +80 at the end of the day

nice trades m8...u still using that system then ?.....as for Dax I can't see how it won't retest it's lows with SPX closing below it's 1427 swing tonight...
yeah i'm still using that system as well as three others all at the same time lol. 3911 seems to work nicely when the market is nice and steady and is ranging. As soon as the market decideds that it wants to go somewhere then the system falls on its ass. At the moment i'm kinda working on a hybrid system of all the ones i use lol. Details will come later...
yeah i'm still using that system as well as three others all at the same time lol. 3911 seems to work nicely when the market is nice and steady and is ranging. As soon as the market decideds that it wants to go somewhere then the system falls on its ass. At the moment i'm kinda working on a hybrid system of all the ones i use lol. Details will come later...

how do you use that system?
is it something like: when the line moves up though %D go long and when it moves down through %K go short ? .. I don't think it can be that though as a few false signals are evident (DAX 10 min 39 1 1 stochastics)

how does it work?
i think with the ecb willing ti inject & prop up Dax we are not seeing the real selling compared to US. I hope to see a bounce from here into 21st. fingers crossed.Then we may get a bit more off a sell.
i think with the ecb willing ti inject & prop up Dax we are not seeing the real selling compared to US. I hope to see a bounce from here into 21st. fingers crossed.Then we may get a bit more off a sell.
looks like 7300 key level..to hold if we are to see a rally..however UK and US looks weak..will DAX be able to hold or eventually go with the rest?


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