Data and News


Well-known member
Sorry to be lazy but I did not have time to look through all the forum posts.

Was looking at getting Reuters 3000 package but they are quoting around 1000+VAT a month (which is not unreasonable) however they also want a 12 month contract, which is unreasonable particularly as you cant gauge its usefulness till you use it.

Anyone any ideas on best package and prices ?

I need news data, indices's UK and US, realtime equity level 1 and level 2 for nyse and nasdaq and most importantly quality news. The data I can get from other sources.........the news is becoming difficult hence Reuters. I also need good company analysis tools (fundamentals) and historical news. Currently subscribed to which is pretty good is there anything better out there ?

Sorry to be lazy but I did not have time to look through all the forum posts.

Was looking at getting Reuters 3000 package but they are quoting around 1000+VAT a month (which is not unreasonable) however they also want a 12 month contract, which is unreasonable particularly as you cant gauge its usefulness till you use it.

Anyone any ideas on best package and prices ?

I need news data, indices's UK and US, realtime equity level 1 and level 2 for nyse and nasdaq and most importantly quality news. The data I can get from other sources.........the news is becoming difficult hence Reuters. I also need good company analysis tools (fundamentals) and historical news. Currently subscribed to which is pretty good is there anything better out there ?


are you apologizing for being lazy in as much as you believe paying for 'clever stuff' = success?
I suppose the definition of 'clever' is all relative. It just depends where on the distribution curve of 'clever' you sit. If you can't add up someone using a calculator may appear clever.
thanks for that gamma - this information stuff is all a bit of a con even the exchanges charge a fee for information. im going in for a trial of the reuters this week - see if its actually worth the money, at the end of the day a single trade could recoup the cost - im going to try and haggle them down and get a discount if I can. They also want a min of 12 month commitment which is a bit of a pain
We get Reuters here, and I wouldn't pay a grand a month for it. Trading the news is a fairly weak (not to mention easily exploited) way of going about things, and if you don't need it up-to-the-second then just use CNBC.
I would differ on trading the news - you only needed to see citibank shares after the news of the stress test........massive opportunity to buy if you understood that that 5bn USD additional capital is not a massive amount of money in the scheme of things. You could have walked away with around 20-30 cents on each share.

The actual results are not out later but I think there has been leaks to prevent too many surprise market movements.