Dare to contact the professionals!


Junior member
When I started my trading career I always admired traders who were mentioned in the press with their technical analysis – most of them were members of the national association of technical analysts. In Germany, where I live, it’s the VTAD (Vereinigung Technischer Analysten Deutschlands e.V.). I thought that one had at least to have a masters degree in economics or maths to be able to join such an elite circle. But the contrary is true. At least the german branch always welcomes new traders, newbies and advanced alike. I don’t know why they should make a difference elsewhere! So dare to contact the “pros”. :smart:

You only have to pay a yearly fee (which in Germany is 120,- €) and can then attend monthly seminars, webinars, receive a newsletter and discounts on trading books or software and other useful tools. Most of the members are non professionals who want to share their knowledge with other newbies and learn from experienced traders. I have been a VTAD member for nearly two years now and can only recommend it to any aspiring trader. Not only because of the benefits mentioned above. As you know, trading is a pretty lonesome job, and so it’s nice to meet other traders and exchange experiences. In Germany many members share daily trading setups (on the DAX or EUR/USD) for free. So you can really learn a lot and make new contacts.

As your trading knowledge progresses you can apply for certifications as a “Certified Financial Technician” or even a “Master of Financial Technical Analysis”. The local organisation usually holds seminars to prepare you for the respective exam. A membership in such an organisation definitively takes your trading on the next level! The international organisation is the IFTA (International Federation of Technical Analysts). You can find out whether they have a local branch in your country via this LINK.

Happy Trading!
certificates in trading ?.................hahahahahahahaha

sorry.....that tickled me !
Lol.. Having read that I have a feeling that you have to be somewhat sceptical of technical analysts being mentioned in the press...I have some friends on prop desks that have told me many of the traders who could not make money ended up moving into dealing roles, what is more, some of them then appeared in reputable news sources like Reuters talking trend and basic technicals. Technicals are so widely known that one needs little trading skill in being able to sum them up to the masses. Those that can make accurate calls get more of a following, nevertheless, there is a significant difference between being able to call the market well and trade it profitably.
I saw Greg Secker and Mike Baghdady on Bloomberg. That Baghdady chap said he was the worlds foremost expert in price behaviour (defined as the study of how price is behaving). Actually come to think of it he won a big trading championship in Germany, are you aware if it and do you have similar experts in your group?
Seeing such threads, my vote is to stop people from inserting any external links whatsoever into their forum posts, unless they've got a peddler badge. I might be overreacting, but....