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Dancing with the market
Is moving with
The flow of the market -----
Up, down, or sideways -----
With a feeling of harmony,
Trust, gratitude,
And yes, even love.
*To really dance well and enjoy the process of dancing, you must let yourself be moved by the music rather than follow any preplanned agenda. In other words, the dance floors(markets) must become a friendly place. Friendly here means comfort, relaxed enjoyment, and a place where you feel friendly. T2W want to assure you, based on not only personal experience but also the experience of more than 80% individuals whom we have privately trained to become independent speculators, the market is a friendly place. Any unfriendliness always comes from us, not from the market.
We have come a long way on this issue of dancing with the market and are amazed at how obvious it all becomes once a person starts experiencing the reality of this approach to trading and investing. An ancient Buddhist saying goes: "The road is smooth; why do you throw rocks before you?" We all do this in the market. All of us, at times, throw rocks before us, and it is difficult to dance on rocks and come out pain-free. So let us begin by clearing the debris and making way for a more profitable, peaceful, joyful, and abundant trading life.
Our first task is to really understand how the markets actually work and why the majority of market participants consistently lose money. Before that must be careful and evaluate whether this approach is suitable for your personality. The most important requirement in becoming a successful trader is your ability to give up old ideas about how the world and the markets work. We are not writers but rather traders, so we hope that these words will communicate clearly what you must do and be before becoming consistently successful in the market place.
Most of the successful trader have learned an approach that provides
- A foundation of trust in themselves so that they can operate without fear or hesitation.
- A methodology that develops confidence and a belief in their own consistency.
- The ability to execute trades flawlessly and recognize mistakes.
- The skill not to give their money away.