Daily sold & bought volume



Where can I find the total daily sold and bought shares for a specific company. I realise google, Yahoo etc. list the "total" traded daily volume but I was after the split between the daily bought and sold volume of trade.

Any ideas on this?

Thank you
Sorry mate but he's right. Actually I'm not sorry, and he's still right.

What I think you are after is the total shares traded at the bid ("sells") and the offer ("buys"), which you might be able to record from the exchanges but dark pools mean there is a pretty bit caveat on that data anyway.
Well, "we don't know" would have been a better answer. I'll have to explore and seek my answer somewhere else.

Thanks for your responses
Well, "we don't know" would have been a better answer. I'll have to explore and seek my answer somewhere else.

Thanks for your responses

We do know, the daily bought and sold number of shares is the same.

You're obviously going down the route of the misleading 'more buyers than sellers makes the market move up'. I'd save yourself the fools errand and understand the basic concepts of how trading occurs first.
We do know, the daily bought and sold number of shares is the same.

You're obviously going down the route of the misleading 'more buyers than sellers makes the market move up'. I'd save yourself the fools errand and understand the basic concepts of how trading occurs first.

Hello and thanks for you reply...

Why are you assuming I am going down that route? I am looking for something else...I realise there are many market forces influnecing share prices. Why are people skirting around giving me a straight answer? I can only get the daily bought/sold volume for the last 10 days but I was looking for longer periods... could anyone help me without trying to give me lessons in trading please?
Why are people skirting around giving me a straight answer?

Nobody is skirting anything. The answer to your question is that bought volume and sold volume are necessarily the same. Thus, the reported volume figure is both shares bought and shares sold.

Obviously, you seem to be looking for something else. Maybe it's a case of terminology confusion. Are you after up volume vs. down volume?
Nobody is skirting anything. The answer to your question is that bought volume and sold volume are necessarily the same. Thus, the reported volume figure is both shares bought and shares sold.

Obviously, you seem to be looking for something else. Maybe it's a case of terminology confusion. Are you after up volume vs. down volume?

Thank you my friend -- at last someone is on my wavelength and apologies if I confused everyone.

Yes please, I am after daily up volume and down volume .

Are these available anywhere please

alanyaber, you asked a very simple and straight question. I am really sorry to say.. other guys did not have common sense or basics to understand question and they were simply attacking you... Did you have any luck ? I am also looking for same.. I know L2s of IHUB and other brokers can give the data but not sure it is available for free