Daily chart with Sierra/IB


I can't seem to get daily charts working with Sierra (using IB as data source). Whenever I try to open a new historical chart foy YM-200509-ECBOT it only ever shows 1 bar.

Probably something pretty basic I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any ideas what it might be?


Try it using an intraday rather than historical chart, just bump up the timescale to , say , 1440 minutes if you want a daily chart, etc. I seem to remember I had similar problems a while back.
Thanks rossored - that seems to have done the trick.

Only thing is that the reason I wanted the daily chart was because I wanted to use it as a reference for pivot point calculations to display the pivots on my intraday charts. Presumably this should all work ok as long as there are no gaps in my intraday charts, but possibly not ok if I do have gaps (eg if there was a daily high or low during the gap).

I suppose I'll try have to try not to have any gaps...

Yes, I had the same problem. Got round it in the end by paying $45/quarter for a utility called SC Magic (link on the sierra website) which updates any gaps in your data (works on major index futures and currency pairs). They do a free trial (7 days I think) and in my experience have always responded to emails etc well.
Actually, for most contracts the IB backfill will cover any gaps you have due to service loss etc.
The IB backfill doesn't always fill the gaps for me. For example, I don't have any data for YM yesterday before 4:30pm UK time.

SC magic sounds useful, but I think I read that the latest versions of Sierra and TWS will do historical backfill on intraday charts. Will have to update my software and see if it works.

Silly question, but I take it you have the time set up correctly on your Sierra installation? i.e. 2.30-9.00pm BST? And that this ties in with the clock settings on your PC?

The latest versions (since v62 or v63 I think) will accomodate the backfill, which does make SC magic a bit redundant, although it's handy when you've been on holiday for a fortnight and come back, because the IB feed doesn't cater for that length of backfill I don't think.
I think the times are all ok - don't normally have any problems - yesterday was unusual, but it happens from time to time.
I agree that things are still a little shaky with the data supply and also its only with v66.2 that Sierra seem to really have a smooth and flexibly interface with IB. I'm expecting things to evolve ... and in a few months we will be surprised if there are any problems 🙂