

Experienced member
Hi there,
I am pretty new to spreads and have I been shorting oil with ETX as it has fallen and I have been long on gold with IG Index as it has been rising. Being new to this I have not wanted to risk much money,therefore I found myself often stopped out on oil shorts with ETX. When I joined IG Index I found that there gold spot operated two decimal pints lower than ETX Gold, this was well within my comfort zone. I am very happy with IG for gold. My question is on crude, are there any UK companies which will allow me to trade on crude in sterling at a rate that is less geared than IG and ETX to give me the comfort zone I require?
Thank you, Jason.
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Not a UK company but allow 1 cent a tick! they're an OK firm, too and the platfoem isn't bad.
Not a UK company but allow 1 cent a tick! they're an OK firm, too and the platfoem isn't bad.

Thank you £10kLoser, 1 cent and up sounds like a great place to learn and try out strategies, (I can not stay focussed on practice (play) accounts). And thank you for your opinions on the firm and platform.