Crossroad in life, please help


Hello everyone 🙂

Today I would like to ask a question that is keeping me from many things and is eating me alive. I decided to ask here because many people are full time traders and that is my goal also, and I really hope I will get some good suggestions to help me ease my mind with the question.

So basically... I am 22 years old and I feel that I should already have 1 think to be focused on and working on so that I can make something with my life. I currently have a full time job and quite a lot of free time. I am very motivated and I have much higher goals and ambitions as majority of people around me. They are pretty much happy with their paycheck once a month wich is very low by the way. But I really cant imagine myself going on like that for few more years because it is killing me not doing anything beside the job.

I offer my services, have few websites up and running, but I make VERY little extra per month. Now I think it is really the time for me to step up the game and start working on something that will actually get me somewhere. I will try to be as direct as I can. Basically at the moment I am thinking of a few routes:
1. Trading (forex, stocks..)
2. Programming (web like PHP)
3. Starting a local web shop (currently selling on local "ebay" and I quite like it)

So those 3 are basically what I am thinking of right now. Of course I also like gaming and was thinking of starting a YT channel, and many other things. And frustration right now is not knowing what to pick and work on. Because if I do something like I did untill now, not really dedicate to it, it doesnt get far.

Now I would really like to hear what you all think about and would really please for some opinion that I can plan off of. 🙂

I hope I posted in the correct section, as this is also connected to trading in a way, if Im wrong please move thread.

Thanks for taking your time to read all that.
The last time you asked this question your dilemma centered on forex vs stocks. Now you've added quite a bit more to the mix.

So, here it is.

Choose what you love. If you love trading, approach it as a professional and learn everything there is to know about it. If you love something else more, then go with the other thing. If the only reason you're taking a particular route is to pick up some extra money, the odds of your being successful with it are slim to none.

Hey, thanks for the answer. I didnt put that in a good way. Forex vs stocks...I would get that clear too once I would get clear of what Id really like to be doing. And this is my real issue. I dont really know how would I do with trading as I havent tried it much yet, same with programming and other things.

I can just imagine how would I like something but thats not enough. So far I just traded with some demo accounts, nothing serious, was programming some easy PHP stuff, nothing special again...but I dont know what would I like more if I would go in depth with.
Hey, thanks for the answer. I didnt put that in a good way. Forex vs stocks...I would get that clear too once I would get clear of what Id really like to be doing. And this is my real issue. I dont really know how would I do with trading as I havent tried it much yet, same with programming and other things.

I can just imagine how would I like something but thats not enough. So far I just traded with some demo accounts, nothing serious, was programming some easy PHP stuff, nothing special again...but I dont know what would I like more if I would go in depth with.

If you're going in to either one just for the money, you will not likely be successful. But if you're fascinated by auction markets and by the psychology of those who participate in them, then you may have found your calling. If you're not, I suggest you look elsewhere.

Trading is a very very specialised 22 I would be recommending you seek your,fortune in some of your other talents firstly......the world is a huge place,explore,your talents truth trading is a very restrictive and introverted world......more suited to people,who already have done their stuff,in the business world and just do it to,top up pensions and keep,the mind active

At 22 I would not have dreamt of sitting in front of a screen all day with no external stimulus .......too boring

I wish I was as focused on my future when I was 22.
My advice to you is this - try all three. See what fits your way of life and personality the best and go with it. You are only 22 - you have the time to explore your options.

One more thing - if you do try forex, don't invest money in it right away, first take the time to learn the basics and practise on a demo account, then open a small live account.
Best to keep all options open but do what you love! The money will then come! Found this for you a fee demo account for a free £25 to get you started:

Learn a little first before risking any money. Also why not do two things in life? Maybe invest with a few trades per day on Forex or Indexes rather than being at the screen trading 24/7 your probable also make more money!
Consider starting a business. Your youth would be a fantastic advantage (I personally cannot name a single person who wanted a business and still didn't have one after 10 or more attempts to start one - those who keep trying seem to get there in the end) and if you later decided to give it up, the fact that you have shown initiative and been entrepreneurial would make you very attractive to people running existing successful businesses.
Consider starting a business. Your youth would be a fantastic advantage (I personally cannot name a single person who wanted a business and still didn't have one after 10 or more attempts to start one - those who keep trying seem to get there in the end) and if you later decided to give it up, the fact that you have shown initiative and been entrepreneurial would make you very attractive to people running existing successful businesses.

I agree with NewThought, that's also a way to go.
The point is, you're at the start of your adult life, you can do whatever you want, experiment until you find the niche you're comfortable in.
There's a simple way to know if you want to trade, whether it's fx/stocks/whatever. Can you imagine sitting in front of screens for 5-8 hours per day (maybe more) constantly evaluating, sometimes doing nothing, and always looking to learn? Will you find it interesting enough to keep going, or is it a means to an end.
I hope you find your answer -- to your life questions that you've been searching for 😱
Best to keep all options open but do what you love! The money will then come! Found this for you a fee demo account for a free £25 to get you started:

Learn a little first before risking any money. Also why not do two things in life? Maybe invest with a few trades per day on Forex or Indexes rather than being at the screen trading 24/7 your probable also make more money!

I hope you find your answer -- to your life questions that you've been searching for 😱

As a multimillionaire actor tom hanks did :smart:

But in this film......beware of what you wish for it may come true with unforeseen consequences

Choose what makes you happy, choose the first thing that comes to mind. Imagine you lost the other two, will you be satisfied with what's left?