Crash course in use Tradestation and EasyLanguage?

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I am looking for advice on how to quickly:
1. Learn the basics of easyLanguage in a time efficient manner, and
2. how to create strategies in TS 8.0

Would somebody know some good resources, training (preferably on-line) etc.?

I too am interested. I know that tradestation have a easy language user guide/manual for 2000i that costs about $49 and for TS 8 a pdf user guide/manual comes free with the subscription. Not sure if such info is available elsewhere though.
I have downloaded the pdf user manual but although text is quite clear I find putting instruction in practice in TS 8 not very userfriendly. It almost seems as if the manual was written for an earlier version of TS which had less and different functionalities. No doubt it is only because of my "thickness" or inability to follow instructions (lol).
Nevertheless tips to resolve this issue would be most appreciated?
I learnt easy language by looking at the indicators already in the library in TS, it is really pretty straight forward. Start with looking at code for Moving Average and take it from there. All you really need is the Library in power editor as that gives you descriptions of all the functions.
Does anybody know how to change colour of an indicator in easylanguage due to set of rules, when that function is defined as a function and called as a function in the code?
sun said:
There are some EasyLanguage online books available in pdf format at :

Apart from the first one, I think all the others are free to view.

There are also some tutorials at :

Regards Sun

Thank you for tips, enough material to work on.
Sun, thanks tutorials are helpful and much quicker than the book. I had overlooked that feature.
TWalker, I will take your advice, sounds like good idea to use the existing TS stratgies to get a good grasp. Thanks
Jimvt, traders2traders seems a very educational site, thanks

besides a TS2000i easy language guide - as mentioned above, is it possible to get an actual TS2000i manual in .pdf or similar saveable format?


jtrader said:

besides a TS2000i easy language guide - as mentioned above, is it possible to get an actual TS2000i manual in .pdf or similar saveable format?

I haven't seen this in pdf I'm afraid.

FWIW the original TS2000i product came supplied with 3 small books and a a set of cassettes. The books were:
"Learning to use EasyLanguage", "Trading with Tradestation 2000i" and "Trading as a Business" (by Charlie F Wright).

The first book is really redundant if you have downloaded the guide described above as the downloadable guide contains more information.
The second book, which you might conceivably want, gives an overview of the programs features, though there is no great detail here either.
The last book is available at The cassettes are just padding really and are just a recording of a presentation Charlie Wright gave somewhere on the contents of his book.

the other day, I came across an easy language pdf file entitled 'strategies and indicators' (i think), but cannot find it now. I think it may even have been within the web pages, but I'm not entirely sure.

Has anyone else come across this? if so, please could you provide a link?

Thanks a lot

Hi I'm looking for a reference guide to EasyLanguage functions like PivotHighVSBar etc. I've looked at the EasyLanguage reference guide mentioned above but it is more a guide to EasyLanguage itself rather than a description of the built in functions. I have seen this before on the web but the links from Google are no longer valid.

Anyone got any ideas ? I would like to see the description of parameters to functions and returns from the functions to aid my conversion of some EasyLanguage code.


Hi frnd..
I am looking for a help to learn trade station so can u guide me how to proceed.... Pls reply immediately becoz i need to complete the project...
Tradestation is a wonderful program but you must have a course in programming to be succesful. There are hundreds of aftermarket software out there that are great. Their custmer service leaves a lot to be desired though. I was with them and had some problems and left. It is a good program if you deal with the tech and sales people..