Covered Calls using a Spread Bet


Active member
Hi All,

Does anyone know if it is possibel to write covered calls using a spreadbet company, and if so does anyone know how you would set this up.

I.e If I was to write a covered call on Citigroup would I do it £1 in the stock is equivlent to £1 in the option.
Hi All,

Does anyone know if it is possibel to write covered calls using a spreadbet company, and if so does anyone know how you would set this up.

I.e If I was to write a covered call on Citigroup would I do it £1 in the stock is equivlent to £1 in the option.

Ive traded index options on City Index but not sure if they do single stocks. Might be worth giving them a call and ask if they have a single stock options desk.
Can do them at IG. Think that might be the only place. Margins requirements are a bit of a killer though - Not SPANned