

I have been long on copper for several weeks, need advice whether to stay long or take profits. Also any thoughts on gold would be appreciated.
The following suggestions

:arrowr: Take profits get back in on kickback

:arrowr: Reduce stake to half so half profits are in the bag

:arrowr: If you draw channel lines on the copper trend then your stop loss could be at 120ish but then you'd lose 400 points.

:arrowr: Set tighter stop losses to maximise gains.

Personally I feel its going to push higher this week, I might be wrong, so setting tighter stops or cutting your stake to half seems sensible.

Gold is in a long term Bull market trend, however as we've been noticing recently the moves occurring in Gold, up or down are related to the moves in the greenback.

On a personal professional opinion, buy in the range between 390 and 405.

Gold will currently range trade within 390 to 430 on a longer note gold will head towards 480-500 undoubtedly.

Note: Unless the dollar has a complete U-turn, but as Lady Thatcher once said ‘U-turn if you want to I’m not for turning’

I’ll think you’ll get my drift.

Hope that helps...
'U-turn if you want to the Ladies not for turning’

And she never did.

The Belgrano did and she still blew it out of the water.

What a Lady.

Is copper worth shorting at 130? Looks like an exhaustion spike to me although I'm always v nervous about trading against such a strong trend. . . .I can't believe I missed this one building up. .
Sorry - you're correct - I only ever look at the contracts that the bookies allow me to trade - in this case March High grade.

It's got to retrace from there hasn't it? - my favourite tarding author is Dr Alex Elder - he would describe this as a kangaroo tail from which the price bounces off in the opposite direction as a long term trend exhausts itself....trouble is he also advises never to trade against the trade and it looks as much like a spike y'day morning!!

If not selling this contract surely all longs have now covered?

Appreciate any comments - tks
I would be very nervous shorting base metals at the moment until there is a clear chart signal .. there is alot of powerful buying fuelled by a severe shortage in the spot markets. Whilst I agree it does look quite streched on the chart there is absolutely no sign of it slowing . If you did short here it would be very difficult to find a sensible stop.
Just my thoughts


Ps .. I was long but took my profits way too early (120 ish !!)
If that thought came into my head it would go out my head aswell in an instance.

No way would I short copper.

Fine it might have a pullback, but surely its safer to buy in a pullback then short in anticipation for pullback.
Oatman, User - you're right, you're right.. . . . I'm staying neutral and out of the market - that said I don't think I'd buy a pullback either - that trend looks old to me (coming unstuck from its trendlines) and volatility is at high in recent months - all signs that a reversal could be on the cards but not signals to trade off. .

(all those ''shoulds'' and ''mights'' are making me sound like an article in the Sunday Times!!)

Thanks for your comments - I'm standing aside.
Long term perspective on copper

As copper is making new highs, you might find the attcached 100+ price graph interesting


  • copper (very long term).pdf
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If you've missed the run, don't be tempted to trade punches with it. Wait for the next move and jump on.
So what is the leading indicator?

Is it copper or the stocks? :!:

PD and Copper made highs on March 1st. Since PD has made new lower lows and highs, but copper seems to be stalling in triangle or some form of 4th wave correction. Is the correction over and HG is ready for next leg up? Or should we expect a more pronounced correction?

We might know as early as tomorrow!!

Have a look at the charts of Copper stocks on:


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ravenglass said:
I know of someone who has made a fortune in copper over the last couple of years.

What are you trying to communicate i a reply on a 3 month old post?
bgold said:
PD and Copper made highs on March 1st. Since PD has made new lower lows and highs, but copper seems to be stalling in triangle or some form of 4th wave correction. Is the correction over and HG is ready for next leg up? Or should we expect a more pronounced correction?

Do you think this might be support for copper? I took a long a couple of days ago and got hurt on the friday fall, watching how it bounced off the ema and the big 25%Fib and smaller 36%fib. We havent closed below Fib or EMA. Thoughts?


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minx said:
Do you think this might be support for copper? I took a long a couple of days ago and got hurt on the friday fall, watching how it bounced off the ema and the big 25%Fib and smaller 36%fib. We havent closed below Fib or EMA. Thoughts?

HGU appears to be at critical support. As long as Fridays' lows hold, it is still bullish. Technically, it seems that prices bounced off GANN support lines and remain above support line from June lows.
In summary, if I had to be long or short, I would be long! But to quote Livermore: there are times to go long, times to go short and time to go fishing. As for Copper the former has my preference.


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Copper bounced from 50%Fib level and looking strong (for now at least)!
Hi Minx,

I would agree that it looks strong. It's above the moving 20 day Movong Average and if using RSI it's above 50%. Usually a signal for an uptrend.

Volume looks good as well which is usually my biggest concern when trading Copper.
