Converting Pip value to AUD?


Hi there, I having trouble with some formulas. As my 'account currency' is AUD I was wanting to know how I can calculate pip values (for majors) into AUD for purposes of establishing my potential profits of losses before I trade ie. risk management.

I am currently trying to devise an excel worksheet with formulas that links to my MT4 account, so with minimum input I can calculate the above on the fly.

Thank you in advance

Profitable trading!
To get the pip values you in AUD all you need to do is figure out the pip value of the pair in question, the convert that to AUD. For example, if you're trading a full lot of EUR/USD a pip is worth USD10. Divide that by the AUD/USD rate and you get the AUD equivalent of the pip value.
To get the pip values you in AUD all you need to do is figure out the pip value of the pair in question, the convert that to AUD. For example, if you're trading a full lot of EUR/USD a pip is worth USD10. Divide that by the AUD/USD rate and you get the AUD equivalent of the pip value.

Thanks Rhody