Constituent Lists for the LSE Market


Established member
Hello All,

Can anyone recommend a reliable place where I can obtain a text-file / list of the constituents that make up the FTSE ALL-SHARE? I need this list as I'm currently backtesting some of my systems and need to use this list as my universe of stocks for backtesting.

However, if anyone can recommend another list which I could use as my LSE universe, I'd be most interested..... Ideally, I would like the list to capture as many LSE stocks as possible.

Any help much appreciated...


Hi Chorlton, I would imagine that you are looking for a symbol list rather than just a list of shares or am I wrong? We had a similar discussion a couple of months ago when I was looking for updated FTSE 100 and 350 symbol lists. It seems surpisingly hard to find these. I never did in the end but good luck all the same. In the end I bought sharescope to run alongside Metastock as it is the best I have seen for UK shares and particularly identifying up to date lists. Of course it's all added expense but worth it for me.

Sorry that I have been no help whatsoever for your question.........
Hello All,

Can anyone recommend a reliable place where I can obtain a text-file / list of the constituents that make up the FTSE ALL-SHARE? I need this list as I'm currently backtesting some of my systems and need to use this list as my universe of stocks for backtesting.

However, if anyone can recommend another list which I could use as my LSE universe, I'd be most interested..... Ideally, I would like the list to capture as many LSE stocks as possible.

Any help much appreciated...





All share index

Yahoo! Finance UK

FTSE 100

Yahoo! Finance UK

FTSE 350
Yahoo Finance

There is a download to spreadsheet button at the bottom of the screen.

Hi Chorlton, I would imagine that you are looking for a symbol list rather than just a list of shares or am I wrong? We had a similar discussion a couple of months ago when I was looking for updated FTSE 100 and 350 symbol lists. It seems surpisingly hard to find these. I never did in the end but good luck all the same. In the end I bought sharescope to run alongside Metastock as it is the best I have seen for UK shares and particularly identifying up to date lists. Of course it's all added expense but worth it for me.

Sorry that I have been no help whatsoever for your question.........

Hi Shanghai,

I think Charlton may have found a solution.........

Cheers Anyway......