complaints to WorldSpreads‏


Junior member
On 12 MAY, I requested withdraw my fund £5160. On 14 MAY, I received
a statement from World Spreads, the statement shows the £5160 has been
sent to me on 12 MAY. Because I haven’t received the fund in following
a few days, I made phone calls more than 5 times to World Spreads
contact number 020 73985220. Every time I was told that the fund has
been sent to me, the fund has left World Spreads account on 12 MAY, and

they asked me to check with my bank. On 16 JUN, after a month I received

their email said will only give me back £2000 and will not give another £3160 to me.

I finally realize that the fund wasn't send to me at all in May. World Spreads

Customer’ services on 020 7398 5220 were lying to me. I can’t believe that a

FSA Registered and listed firm sent a incorrect statement to their customer and gave

all wrong information to cheat their customer.
I'm going to take a shot into the dark...were you scalping for tiny pips or using price latency to gain money?

Why did you withdraw? Were you put on dealer referral?

Why would that matter? The money seems to have been in his account, surely the time to screw him was when he had trades open. Once that money is credited to his account I don't see how they could mess with it. I've heard some horror stories about SB but refusing to transfer money you have in your account would take the biscuit.
Ps go to and write a review there. They may even take up your case if it's bad enough.
I learnt a long time ago that spreadbetting was a mugs game but I must admit that I didn't realise they would go that far. I thought withholding funds was the domain of the offshore fx bucketshop scammers.
The six TCF outcomes By FSA

Through TCF, we aim to deliver improved outcomes for retail consumers. Our six consumer outcomes explain what we want TCF to achieve for consumers, as outlined in our July 2006 publication Treating customers fairly – towards fair outcomes for consumers.

Outcome 3: Consumers are provided with clear information and are kept appropriately informed before, during and after the point of sale.
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I refer to your email of 23 June.

I would reiterate that following an investigation into your account, we reached the conclusion that you were able to by-pass our checks that would otherwise have prevented a stop loss being placed with a buy price lower than the market price or a stop order being placed with a sell price greater than the market price and that as a result, you were able to make a profit which was manifestly incorrect.

Clause 10.2 of our terms and conditions states that “WS reserves the right to ….. void any bet involving or deriving from a Manifest Error…”. In addition, clause 10.3 of our terms and conditions states “…. the client must …. not gain any unfair advantage by such Manifest Error….”.

We believe that the three trades you placed on 7 May were the result of a Manifest Error and therefore we have voided those trades and the entries on the various statements you refer to.

Whilst we have, as a matter of good faith, refunded the initial £2,000 deposit that you placed with us on 5 May, we are not willing to pay you the profit that you “earned” on the above-referenced 3 trades which, in our view, was the result of a Manifest Error.

This is my final response. If you disagree with my response you remain entitled to approach the Financial Ombudsman Service (see link below) whose role it is to settle complaints if you do not agree with my decision:

General Counsel and Group Head of Compliance
WorldSpreads Group PLC


Thank you for your email

I always change my trading strategy to find out which way are better. I
use the trading platform which World Spreads is offering to all
customers not just me. The price World Spreads offers is to all
customers, also I placed the order needs World Spreads' final decision, accept
it or not. World Spreads accepted my orders, which mean they agree
with it, there was no manifestly incorrect from customer’s side.

On 12 MAY, I requested withdraw my fund £5160. On 14 MAY, I received
a statement from World Spreads, the statement shows the £5160 has been
sent to me on 12 MAY. Because I haven’t received the fund in following
a few days, I made phone calls more than 5 times to World Spreads
contact number 020 73985220. Every time I was told that the fund has
been sent to me, the fund has left World Spreads account on 12 MAY, and they asked me to check
with my bank. On 16 JUN I received your email. I finally realize that
the fund wasn't send to me at all in May. World Spreads customer’s
services on 020 7398 5220 were lying to me. I can’t believe that a FSA
Registered and listed firm sent a false statement to their customer
and gave all wrong information to cheat their customer.

I hereby request the following 2 things:
1: send the profit I made which £3160 to me immediately
2: send me a copy of telephone conversation record between me
and World Spreads from 12 MAY to 16 JUN.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



I refer to our telephone conversation of earlier today and have now looked into your account.

It appears that on 7 May, you changed your trading strategy in that the stakes placed by you were significantly higher than those placed before. Additionally, the trades lasted only a few minutes each. As a result, we investigated the trades. We have concluded that you were able to by-pass our checks that would otherwise have prevented a stop loss being placed with a buy price lower than the market price or a stop order being placed with a sell price greater than the market price.

As a result, you were able to make a profit which was manifestly incorrect.

I would refer you to clause 10.2 of our terms and conditions which states that “WS reserves the right to ….. void any bet involving or deriving from a Manifest Error…”.

I would also refer you to clause 10.3 of our terms and conditions which states “…. the client must …. Not gain any unfair advantage by such manifest Error….”.

We believe that the three trades you placed on 7 May were the result of a Manifest Error and therefore we have voided those trades. We have today refunded the initial £2,000 deposit that you placed with us on 5 May: however, we are not willing to pay you the profit that you “earned” on the above-referenced 3 trades as that profit was the result of a Manifest Error.


General Counsel and Group Head of Compliance

WorldSpreads Group PLC
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Post this on every trading board you can find, at least you might keep others from being caught out. You should forget about spreadbetting, you are not going to beat the bookie and this proves it. Get yourself a proper futures account and you'll have none of these issues.
So... in your own words... what were you doing? Is there any substance to his observations on your "trading"?
If worldspreads are telling the truth about what he did then they're fully at liberty to deny him his money.
Hola gringo,

Take it to the Ombudsman.

Personally I can't say that I think much of Worldspreads.


El B4stardo Inebrioso

If he has gained by doing something that is not allowed in the t&cs I can not see there is much recourse. If I read it correctly, are they saying you manipulated the system to automatically gain whatever the market was doing? i.e to be stopped out at a profit, with no risk? :|
also I was correct from the start, you guys owe me a blow job.

PS the good faith **** is bs, they should give you your money back anyways. although, you tried to **** with thtem which is beyond stupid, besides, apparently dave has a retracted foreskin which he can make into an umbrrella when he wants to. SO THERE

go and give me a million squid for proving this retard wrong, ie, derr i'm going to try and rip off a bucket shop derrrr.......WHOOPS I CANT WITHDRAW MONEY BOO ****ING HOO.

what a ****, go **** off and open an account with gecko spreads and try the same thing KNOB **** FANNY END. YEAH YOU MONNKJEY BALLS

I have opened a live spreadbetting account at "Worldspreads"(Broker) in London. I have traded and made profit of 23000€. Since two weeks I am trying to get my money from this company named "Worldspreads". Worldspreads has only withdrawed my first deposit amount of 750€. I still must receive an amount of 22300€, which I had earned by trading at Worldspreads. But they do not want to pay my money. What can I do? I have heard that this happened to a lot of traders at Worldspreads.
I have opened a live spreadbetting account at "Worldspreads"(Broker) in London. I have traded and made profit of 23000€. Since two weeks I am trying to get my money from this company named "Worldspreads". Worldspreads has only withdrawed my first deposit amount of 750€. I still must receive an amount of 22300€, which I had earned by trading at Worldspreads. But they do not want to pay my money. What can I do? I have heard that this happened to a lot of traders at Worldspreads.

they are bad Treating customers fairly
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Never had problems with taking money out of WS. But it was always 2-3k only. And it took about 2-3 days to clear. However the platform is down since 30mins, first time I see that happening. Anyone else having those problems?