Competition Results - FINAL!!!!!


Legendary member
What a BLOCKBUSTER FINISH!!!!!!!! I was confident of a stong finish and so it was. What I ( and every one else) didn't reckon on was a BRILLIANT finishing stroke by the main man GORDON! I was watching the shares progress today and quietly chuckling...until I saw EUA coming into play. That thing just flew up and down all over the place!Having done nothing all week it opened today at 36, a few pence down. Next thing it's lost over 30% to 23.5p and then a constant roller coaster for the rest of the day, finishing at 28% down. If you were watching this today Gordon, I hope you enjoyed the ride!!!!I was gutted!
So it's congratulations all round to GORDON! If only you'd picked a decent LONG like Cigar, you would have turned a monstrous FIFTY TWO PERCENT PROFIT yes that's 52.7% in a week! T2W can boast THE best tipsters around!!!Broadsheets "eat your heart out". GORDON You were outstanding! Now as your prize, you have to tell us all why you selected EUA as your SHORT candidate.What did you know that the rest of us missed?

Congratulations also go to the runners up:
2nd overall Chartman
3rd overall Cigar

Also for LONGS:
1st Cigar
2nd Dabrom
3rd Chartman

And for SHORTS
1st Gordon
2nd ChartMan/Hill
3rd Martymcc

Commiserations to Marty whose long on RSFT really let him down in the overall rankings, and to myself for being pipped at the post.If anyone else feels hard done by and not mention, I appologise.I hope you all enjoyed it.I for one certainly did.
Last but not least- get your entries in for next week!!!

I was just getting my victory speech prepared and then BANG there goes my inaugural win albeit in the short section! Congrats to gordon. Only wish I didn't hold RSFT in real life! :-(

Congratulations to the runners up...

And thanks and well done Chartman...nice and fair comp..

Amazed !!!!!!!!!!!

If you want a neck breaker you can always rely on a mining stock..........I'm now having trouble turning my head left or right 'cos of this neck brace I'm now having to wear. The short result is even more surprising, given that it was UP 12% on the first day. The price had risen too much, too quick last Thursday and Friday, pre-empting their palladium drilling results. This pre-emption moved the price up 42% in 3 days and the news of 'below economic levels' did the rest........down it went. Lucky or what ??...yes, I think so.
As for Hacas.........mmmm. Relying on further momentum which didn't really come off.
Cheers Chartman, and anyone else who got this off the ground. Look forward to next week.

Forgot to say............

a mate of mine won 2 airline tickets from the iii competition a couple of weeks ago. That would be nice wouldn't it !!!!!!!!!!!!