"Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

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Black Swan

"Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Cracks already appearing in the ConDem Nation as Cable gets told to fook right off with his banking reforms, well what did he expect, Gideon, sorry 'George' Osborne 18th Baronet of Ballintaylor wasn't about to let him spoil his Bildeberger mate Nat Rothschild's billions was he...

Gotta love the Tories, 19 front benchers went to Eton..hurrah!!! Cameron's wife's family owns hectares of Yorkshire (maiden name Sheffield), Daddy is also a Baronet, she's descended from Charles the second, he's descended from King William...ah well, they promised austerity, didn't think they fooking meant Dickensian times to return..."we know our places guvnor, can I sweep ya chimney for half a sixpence..?"

How the fook did half the nation vote for this?

First coalition cracks emerge as Cable takes back seat to Osborne on banks

Chancellor to chair key committee and Treasury will remain in charge of banking policy and financial services sector


Common Purpose is a political charity using Behavioural Modification

Common Purpose (CP) is a Charity, based in Great Britain, which creates ‘Future Leaders’ of society. CP selects individuals and ‘trains’ them to learn how society works, who 'pulls the levers of power' and how CP ‘graduates’ can use this knowledge to lead 'Outside Authority’.

Children, teenagers and adults have their prejudices removed. Graduates are ‘empowered’ to become ‘Leaders’ and work in ‘partnership’ with other CP graduates. CP claims to have trained some 30,000 adult graduates in UK and changed the lives of some 80,000 people, including schoolchildren and young people.

But evidence shows that Common Purpose is rather more than a Charity ‘empowering' people and communities’. In fact, CP is an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace democracy in UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.

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Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Yes, I've heard about those characters.

To be honest though, I think I originally read about them on some right-wing-ish conspiracy web-site, accusing them of being a left-wing / New-Labour-ish sort of front organisation 🙂

Either way, they sound creepy.

Oh yes, Brian Gerrish (who "exposes" CP) seems pretty creepy as well, and fairly right-wing.

Conspiracy theorists eating each other?
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Yes, I've heard about those characters.

To be honest though, I think I originally read about them on some right-wing-ish conspiracy web-site, accusing them of being a left-wing / New-Labour-ish sort of front organisation 🙂

Either way, they sound creepy.

Oh yes, Brian Gerrish (who "exposes" CP) seems pretty creepy as well, and fairly right-wing.

Conspiracy theorists eating each other?

Now Micheal Gove is using the phrase....😏
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

People votes for this because they are retards. This whole situation is a f**king joke to be honest. I start my Spanish classes at the end of the month.
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

@kin 'ell...wtf is going on....?:-0

Coalition Government: first Cabinet meeting shows 'common purpose'

The first meeting of David Cameron's new coalition Cabinet has ended with ministers hailing the "common purpose" of the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats

Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, added: ''It was great, actually. I think we had a a really constructive meeting. I was delighted by the sense of partnership and common purpose that we had there.''

He was asked if the Conservatives had finally buried the hatchet with their former enemies.

''There were no hatchets to bury,'' came back the reply. ''We had a great agreement and the Cabinet worked very well together.''

Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Yes, I've heard about those characters.

To be honest though, I think I originally read about them on some right-wing-ish conspiracy web-site, accusing them of being a left-wing / New-Labour-ish sort of front organisation 🙂

Either way, they sound creepy.

Oh yes, Brian Gerrish (who "exposes" CP) seems pretty creepy as well, and fairly right-wing.

Conspiracy theorists eating each other?[/QUOTE

Hmmm, good one. I think Brian Gerrish is doing everything he does for free, which makes him a good bloke in my books.

Robert Peston is Common Purpose btw.

I have noticed the used of 'common purpose' in speeches, Blackswan. Do not forget about the Labour Bilderbergers we had, and also the political elite who was amongst their cabinet. We are just witnessing a progression.
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

People votes for this because they are retards. This whole situation is a f**king joke to be honest. I start my Spanish classes at the end of the month.

Buena suerte amigo!
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Now Micheal Gove is using the phrase....😏

'ere, are you taking the Michael?

Mind you, I always want to spell his surname "Guv".

The name of that website, Yougov, always tickles me too. - "What, me guv?"
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Hmmm, good one. I think Brian Gerrish is doing everything he does for free, which makes him a good bloke in my books.
I think you may need to think a bit more carefully about the implications of that statement.

I don't deny that Brian Gerrish probably believes sincerely everything that he comes out with.

Robert Peston is Common Purpose btw.

I have noticed the used of 'common purpose' in speeches, Blackswan. Do not forget about the Labour Bilderbergers we had, and also the political elite who was amongst their cabinet. We are just witnessing a progression.

I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next man, especially over a glass, but I don't know how much credence I place in this one.

However, if there were a conspiracy, be it of left or right, it would suit the conspirator's book perfectly to have the general public as dumbed-down as possible, kept amused by electronic toys bought on cheap credit, diverted by endless "reality" TV, and misled by a compliant media now, wouldn't it? i.e. very similar to what we see.

The real reality meanwhile is and has always been about raw power.

Nick Clegg thinks he has been quite clever this week. He has been flattered into thinking that he has overplayed his rather poor hand and extracted concessions out of the Tories.
On paper it seems that he has, not to mention those cabinet places and his ego-boosting title of "Deputy Prime Minister", which in reality is meaningless and has no constitutional function whatsoever (See Wikipedia).

The really poor hand was actually Cameron's. If Clegg had walked away (what he should have done in my opinion), Cameron would have been forced to stagger on somehow, dreading every by-election, with a minority government much as Wilson and Callaghan did.

Clegg is now locked into a 5-year deal which he honourably cannot break, much as he may disagree with whatever tricks Cameron, Osbourne & Co might get up to.

Instead of which, Clegg handed him all his cards and allowed him to convert his pair of twos into a full-house, and collect the pot. Frodo handed the ring to Sauron.

Already the cracks are beginning to appear. The agreement is not quite what they thought they were signing up to

"So, I get to reform banking then Dave...."
"Ah, no Vince old boy let me stop you right there. It's a rather onerous and thankless task to be honest Vince, and I rather thought I might load that upon Gideon's shoulders....well he's young and keen and, well d'ye see, he actually has a few good contacts there, and besides Vince, I really need your special skills elsewhere. I'm setting up a review of paper-clip policy throughout government and the civil service - I'm looking for a root-and-branch reform of it actually Vince, nothing less, and I thought you were just the right chap....

.....just one thing though, and, I hardly like to ask, but, well, if you could, you know, just for form's sake, for appearances, as it were, call me Prime Minister, well, you know..."

I doubt somehow if it will be the last crack to appear. It won't break the deal - it can't do - it will just break the LibDem's spirit, yet another advantage from the Tory point of view.
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Haven't looked into this "common purpose" institute yet, and never heard of that previously, but here's my take on your coalition:

I totaly Dunno why Clegg caved in to Cameron without a promise of getting proportional representation, which Brown would probably have given him on a silver platter.

Ok, that might have given him a credibility problem as the electoral wish clearly showed that Brown was to be voted out, and sustaining him in office would probably initially have backfired againt him, but your parliamentary mandate of 5 years in power are an absolute eternity, and said five years down the road nobody would have remembered his going against the voters wishes, but at that stage he would have had a real chance for the number one job himself imo, which he has now forsaken for a completely meaningless title with zero power, chrissakes, he didn't even get the foreign office or treasury like our junior coalition partners here always get !!!

He could have changed politics in the UK imo, but chickened out instead.

Or does anyone here really think Cameron is gonna commit potential political suicide and actually really acquiesce to a voting reform.
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

montmorencyt2w you must stop looking at it as a battle between left and right. Its a symbiotic relationship. A duopoly. Economics is the Politics of money. Its that simple, and always has been. I am surprised at how many people still think democracy gives them a say in how the country is run.

As for not believing in the Bilderberg group or not willing to take it seriously, ask yourself why Ed Balls had a taxpayer funded trip to the heavily guarded private Bilderberg meeting last year. Its does not sit right.

montmorencyt2w- Suggest you watch Century of Self. Very clear narrative on the consumer driven society we have had created for ourselves.

And finally looking up the definition of conspiracy is always good to shake off the shackles of negative connotations.
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Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

C.S. Lewis once remarked;

"The greatest evil is not done in those sordid dens of evil that Dickens loved to paint, but is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clear, carpeted, warmed, well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices"...
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

I totaly Dunno why Clegg caved in to Cameron without a promise of getting proportional representation, which Brown would probably have given him on a silver platter.

Or does anyone here really think Cameron is gonna commit potential political suicide and actually really acquiesce to a voting reform.

Personally, I believe that if 'the mob' wanted PR, which would lead to days of uncertainty as to who was in power with who after EVERY election not just this one, than the whole country would have voted Lib Dems wouldn't they. But they didn't, they got less votes than their previous election result.
The Lib Dems are so thirsty for power that they are more spineless and sneaky than the rest of them!
Also the Conservatives were too generous to them. The Lib Dems would not have had a look in if there was a fairer seat size amongst the parties. The Conservatives would have won outright! Thats what needs to be addressed, not some ******** about PR that is being rammed down our necks!
Re: "Common Purpose"; how many times have Clegg and Cameron used the phrase so far?

Personally, I believe that if 'the mob' wanted PR, which would lead to days of uncertainty as to who was in power with who after EVERY election not just this one, than the whole country would have voted Lib Dems wouldn't they. But they didn't, they got less votes than their previous election result.
The Lib Dems are so thirsty for power that they are more spineless and sneaky than the rest of them!
Also the Conservatives were too generous to them. The Lib Dems would not have had a look in if there was a fairer seat size amongst the parties. The Conservatives would have won outright! Thats what needs to be addressed, not some ******** about PR that is being rammed down our necks!

It does'nt really matter.
The Libs are the ones on trial in this coalition.....if they rock the boat or screw up ....they go back to the wilderness along with Labour for decades. It's in their interests to behave properly and responsibly whilst in office.