COMEX price fluctuation limits scrapped


Established member
Gold, silver, copper or aluminium trader?

Think you've seen major price action already this past 12 months?

Well, you ain't seen nuthin yet!

Why? - because NYMEX has just announced that, effective Sunday 4th June for electronic trading and Monday 5th June for the pit-traded contracts, the COMEX division will operate WITHOUT price fluctuation limits. That's right WITHOUT PRICE FLUCTUATION LIMITS!

The NYMEX statement went on to say: "This change was made in order to better facilitate the core functions of price discovery and hedging provided by COMEX products,"

Oh! is THAT what it's for? I see.

Hmmm. After 3 no-notice increases to margin requirements for silver this year, together with startling physical inventory movements in both silver and gold - plus price increases which are hurting - I mean REALLY hurting the enormous 'establishment' short position in PM's. Something is clearly afoot. TPTB are clearing the decks; so if you dabble in PM futures, you'd better watch out.

Call me a cynic but the most likely reason that I can see is to facilitate further 'orderly' unwinding of the Silver/Gold carry trades with a little coordinated help from TPTB. Expect wondges of selling (backed by offical physical holdings materialising from wherever), resulting a collapsing prices, allowing the shorts to buy back at bearable losses; pushing prices back up again - and so on. If you like trading volatility, that IMHO is what you're going to get from next week on - for a while and there's likely to be serious coordination between London, Tokio (remember that rule change on naming open interests a couple of months back?) and NY too. Novices beware!