Collective2 Programmer Interface


Some T2W members may already know about Collective2. We're a web site that monitors trading advisors and trading systems, and reveals how they do in real life (based on real-time quote feeds).

I wanted to alert the technically-minded that we just released a programmer's interface. So, if you write your own automated trading software, this will allow you to have your trades monitored by Collective2 automatically (i.e. no need to go to the Web site, log in, and type each recommended trade). This will insure that your trading results are listed in our performance database.

My personal goal, as some of you may know, is to clean the world of garbage trading systems that tout ridiculous results which can't be substantiated, or which are the result of pure randomness. As you know, this will be a long, uphill, and lonely battle.

Anyway, programmers and other geeks, you can find the documentation on how to use the Collective2 programming interface at

Let me know if you have any questions - either here at T2W or at Collective2.
Thanks for that,
I'll certainly look at it - I've a heck of a lot on so it's unlikely to be done soon but if I can plumb that in I will, I admire your stance!
(Your link is now in my favourites selection 🙂 )
I like the look of the 100% winning system. That's got to be cheap at any price!
This is a very interesting concept in its early stages and I admire it. I'm sure this is something that developers and traders will be attracted to. I have put a reference to it in our software guide.

You are asking for a big leap of faith from both sides as both must put their money where their mouths are so to speak

Without seeking to teach granny to suck eggs - perhaps you might give more prominence to the questions intending customers might properly be asking of the system developer and of your site as a "verifier" - if (as I understand it) that is the service you will be offering to traders. Trading system developers may well have other questions.

May I also gently remind you of the rules about advertising on the site

Best wishes
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Any updates?

Anyone tried any of these subscription progs?
I think I found collective2 through an ad on your site - sorry! It was a box with something like "495 trading systems" as the header. It is an incredible idea to allow folks to have their system's performance viewed.

I believe they also have a software robot that will trade your account with the signals that the originator reports. Easy money!
This question is for Mathew or anyone else who knows about how C2 works

I have a forex system which I want to validate via Collective 2. But I have noticed that the prices quoted for the forex pairs vary across brokers. Which price source does Collective 2 use to validate the forex trades. E.g. if I base my signals on the forex prices offered by FXCM, will it be comparable to the forex prices used by Collective2 ?

My fear is that when my chart shows a particular price being hit, on C2 the price may not be hit and vice versa. This can lead to different results between my system and C2. Grateful, f you could clarify.