Cleaning up space in my HD


Well-known member

I would like to clean up some space in my HD. Apart from the Disk Cleanup in Windows XP, what else can I do? Obviously, I would not wish to compromise the stability and speed of my machine.

Thanks indeed.
clylbw said:

I would like to clean up some space in my HD. Apart from the Disk Cleanup in Windows XP, what else can I do? Obviously, I would not wish to compromise the stability and speed of my machine.

Thanks indeed.

I´m not an expert but get rid of unnecessary programs and then do a defragmentation of the HD. Check for "more options" in the Cleanup operation.
Delete internet Temp folder contents. In I.E. go here: Tools > Internet Options > (Temp Internet Files) Delete Files > Tick the "Delete all offline content" box. Umm, actually disk cleanup has the option to do this anyway.

As well as running Ad-Aware, running Microsoft's AntiSpyware program can't hurt:

System Restore points can use up a lot of HD space. The Disk Cleanup tool (on More Options tab) can be used to delete the old ones. Or you can simply turn off System Restore and enable it again.

Oh, and of course clear-out your Recycle Bin if you're sure what's in it can be permanently deleted.

As you're in maintenance mode, you might as well run an up-to-date virus scan and finally hard disk error check and then defragment - try to defragment in safe mode or when no other programs are running. At this point, if you keep a ghost hard disk copy on another hard disk / DVDs, it'd be sensible to make a fresh copy.

Funnily enough I was looking for disk cleanup utilities and downloaded CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) and "Disk Cleaner" from in the freeware section, disk cleanup tools. Can't provide a link as the site seems to be down.

Both seem like good utilities and get good reviews. They can be scheduled to run on startup and you can control what is cleaned.

Hope this helps

I usually remove unnecessary all help, text, document files and decrease pagefile to 100MB for 512MB RAM.
Burn DVDs.