City Index throws the towel in


Junior member
Apparently City Index have discontinued trading in daily cash indices

Why would they do that?

Anyone know where one can trade daily cash indices?
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This doesnt surprise me as their spreads are a joke. Dealf for free generally have the best spreads
julian said:
This doesnt surprise me as their spreads are a joke. Dealf for free generally have the best spreads

that'll be the reason then,

comedy police coming along stating, "looky ere' clearly when you came to market we saw your spreads, being of a big fat wide nature, which caused copious amounts (under the section 38 comedy standards act 1976..... ) belly ache laughter.... so we let it ride, only upon reviewing your firm, these spreads being maintained (evidenced through normal practice) on a big fat wide basis is now is contravention of article 16 paragraph a, namely that spreads this wide and err fat for this length of time is classified as no longer funny but taking the P*ss.

hoorrraahhh for the comedy fuzz.

i'll take me pills now..


fxmarkets said:
comedy police coming along stating, "looky ere' clearly when you came to market we saw your spreads, being of a big fat wide nature, which caused copious amounts (under the section 38 comedy standards act 1976..... ) belly ache laughter.... so we let it ride, only upon reviewing your firm, these spreads being maintained (evidenced through normal practice) on a big fat wide basis is now is contravention of article 16 paragraph a, namely that spreads this wide and err fat for this length of time is classified as no longer funny but taking the P*ss.

LOL! 😆
which pills are they mate? think I could do with a few of those if this is the result