China "BEARS" All


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Since late 2012 to gain the confidence, popularity and trust of the people the powerful communist Chinese government decides to issue anti-graft and anti-extravagance measures. This created such a massive change for how and what is being produced and imported that a systematic chain reaction in other markets such as property, Gifts, travel and now all automobiles purchased by government must be domestic branded vehicles so the stream of Bentley, BMW and Mercedes are no longer allowed as government vehicles. Even liquor and spending on events are limited Xinhua News Agency reported that all levels of government will be barred from using government funds to organize extravagant galas staged with expensive celebrities and performances. Officials will punish organizers of “expensive or wasteful celebratory events.” Ah yes and now we have seen first hand gold declining and this ban is campaigned to lead in to 2017. according to a report by Bain & Co., China’s growth in luxury spending dropped from 7 percent in 2012 to just 2 percent in 2013, the slowest pace since 2000.
The Hurun Report, a publication that chronicles the wealthy in China, said in its 2014 Luxury Consumers Survey that compared to 2013, 25 percent fewer respondents plan to give a “very expensive gift” (worth $826 or more) at Chinese New Year. Additionally, since Xi’s austerity campaign, China’s high-end hotels have experienced considerable drops in their occupancy rates. Before the campaign, government bookings accounted for more than 40 percent of sales for business hotels. Now, business has fallen by more than 50 percent. Now we cannot forget many things attributed to these statistics, and money is still being spent, the Chinese are still spending and spending a lot. The money is for now outside of china and with more focus on strengthening the middle class in China this just means investors need to look at what moves the middle class and focus on that. Just so I am being clear I can’t foresee the middle class buying up large chunky gold watches, and Cartier jewelry in the near future. India will once again be the main consumer of gold and with the Diwali festival in October, physical gold is being smuggled in at an alarming rate, as well as the fear of the Scottish independence fueling fear, explains the buying spree of physical gold coins in the U.K.
Once again and don’t let the statistics run your trading, much of the information is altered and the Reserve Banks withhold information and Central Banks foresee intention of consumers, and traders. In fact the Chinese have been trying to gain the upper hand in the pricing gold, and away from London for some time and it seems their efforts may pay off. For now, gold is bearish and I am holding short.
Since late 2012 to gain the confidence, popularity and trust of the people the powerful communist Chinese government decides to issue anti-graft and anti-extravagance measures. This created such a massive change for how and what is being produced and imported that a systematic chain reaction in other markets such as property, Gifts, travel and now all automobiles purchased by government must be domestic branded vehicles so the stream of Bentley, BMW and Mercedes are no longer allowed as government vehicles. Even liquor and spending on events are limited Xinhua News Agency reported that all levels of government will be barred from using government funds to organize extravagant galas staged with expensive celebrities and performances. Officials will punish organizers of “expensive or wasteful celebratory events.” Ah yes and now we have seen first hand gold declining and this ban is campaigned to lead in to 2017. according to a report by Bain & Co., China’s growth in luxury spending dropped from 7 percent in 2012 to just 2 percent in 2013, the slowest pace since 2000.
The Hurun Report, a publication that chronicles the wealthy in China, said in its 2014 Luxury Consumers Survey that compared to 2013, 25 percent fewer respondents plan to give a “very expensive gift” (worth $826 or more) at Chinese New Year. Additionally, since Xi’s austerity campaign, China’s high-end hotels have experienced considerable drops in their occupancy rates. Before the campaign, government bookings accounted for more than 40 percent of sales for business hotels. Now, business has fallen by more than 50 percent. Now we cannot forget many things attributed to these statistics, and money is still being spent, the Chinese are still spending and spending a lot. The money is for now outside of china and with more focus on strengthening the middle class in China this just means investors need to look at what moves the middle class and focus on that. Just so I am being clear I can’t foresee the middle class buying up large chunky gold watches, and Cartier jewelry in the near future. India will once again be the main consumer of gold and with the Diwali festival in October, physical gold is being smuggled in at an alarming rate, as well as the fear of the Scottish independence fueling fear, explains the buying spree of physical gold coins in the U.K.
Once again and don’t let the statistics run your trading, much of the information is altered and the Reserve Banks withhold information and Central Banks foresee intention of consumers, and traders. In fact the Chinese have been trying to gain the upper hand in the pricing gold, and away from London for some time and it seems their efforts may pay off. For now, gold is bearish and I am holding short.
you really, don't have anything original to say at all do you?
I'd be surprised if you could even spell gold without copying it from somewhere else 😆
you cant really be serious ?????? I write it! its mine, do i need to spell it out for you? its my words I blog and I post on trade to win for discussions on my blog, because i know a lot of traders have wisdom for me to expand from (with you as an exception) You my dear are the true definition of a hater, lol how about you share on the topic, how about you argue a point about real S**** FX, gold i would rather hear about Alibaba(so sick of Alibaba) than hear what you think about me. Stop wasting my time.
I even signed Fxmade2trade, genuineness lmao
Or is it .....Malaguti was originally imported into the United States during the 1973 OPEC oil embargo. At one point the small factory in Bologna had up to three daily flights sending mopeds to its five different importers who were paying more in air shipping than what the mopeds cost to make. This was the first major boom for Malaguti since the end of the Vietnam war. Malaguti's sales skyrocketed as it sent thousands of mopeds to California and other states to help Americans survive during the months of the OPEC oil embargo. Not since its first moped had Malaguti had such a hit with a new product. An assembled moped would be sold in America the following week. The demand was high and orders continued to be placed well into months after the OPEC crisis ended, but this sales boom did not last and Malaguti's sales went down. Malaguti survived when many of its competitors were going out of business due to overexpansion and overextended credit.-
Just like your trading 🙂 oh and I definitively copied this ....baaaaawaaaaahhhhahhahhah
Is that original enough??? (I am hilarious) come on if i really wanted you to shut up i would just dare you to make 5 trade calls smh....
you cant really be serious ?????? I write it! its mine, do i need to spell it out for you? its my words I blog and I post on trade to win for discussions on my blog, because i know a lot of traders have wisdom for me to expand from (with you as an exception) You my dear are the true definition of a hater, lol how about you share on the topic, how about you argue a point about real S**** FX, gold i would rather hear about Alibaba(so sick of Alibaba) than hear what you think about me. Stop wasting my time.
I even signed Fxmade2trade, genuineness lmao

you're saying you write for the china business review now?
Really you should research and accurately read the article. I quoted the research founded, stop just pumping it into a app. hmmmmmmmmmm no calls on those trades huh? Are you trying to move the subject matter.
Really you should research and accurately read the article. I quoted the research founded, stop just pumping it into a app. hmmmmmmmmmm no calls on those trades huh? Are you trying to move the subject matter.

I did read the article and found it completely plagiarised. 5 trade calls, whats that got to do with your own inabilities
That's what I thought, and not completely plagiarized the statistics are said from the reports my dear and stated.
That's what I thought, and not completely plagiarized the statistics are said from the reports my dear and stated.

no i think you're forgetting where you got the information from.

The Hurun Report, a publication that chronicles the wealthy in China, said in its 2014 Luxury Consumers Survey that compared to 2013, 25 percent fewer respondents plan to give a “very expensive gift” (worth $826 or more) at Chinese New Year. Additionally, since Xi’s austerity campaign, China’s high-end hotels have experienced considerable drops in their occupancy rates. Before the campaign, government bookings accounted for more than 40 percent of sales for business hotels. Now, business has fallen by more than 50 percent.

Word for word this is from the China Business Review. Look at your first post, see the similarity?
You're not only quoting a report, which you probably know nothing about, you are quoting word for word somebody else, have you stated that? No, you haven't

Of course i could be wrong and two people are writing the exact same thing..
lmao indeed