charts software or excel ?


Junior member
I would like to be able to view the gragh of the FTSE100 with say 10 stocks missing, so it would be a FTSE90. Using EOD data going back say 5 years.

Also when looking at a graph for a stock i would like to see the stocks priced as percent rather than pence.

I hav'nt tried any software yet. I use excel alot, is there an excel package addin i could use that would do the above two ?

Or what charting package could i use, yes i'm new at this.
Not sure if there's a charting package that will do this.

Why would you need an Addin for Excel? Just put dates in Col.A, prices (closing?) for each of your 90 stocks in D,E... etc, sum in B, percentage in C, chart A/B, A/C?

Does this do what you want, or have I misunderstood?
yes i think i could do this with excel

thanks for the comment on software i am guessing one package probably does have these features but will be alot of research to find it