ChartMan takes the Crown!


Well done to ChartMan who becomes this month's competiton winner. Also special mention to FTSE Beater who had a tremendous final day moving from 14th right up to 2nd place who profited from a massive fall in Logica. An exciting finish to a great competition. The next competition will start on Monday!

The Final Top 10 rankings are as follows:

1 (2) ChartMan £61,724.16
2 (14) FTSE Beater £59,042.87
3 (1) grobag £58,546.95
4 (3) Starvin Marvin £56,514.10
5 (4) Achilles £55,555.55
6 (5) options £54,790.06
7 (11) fredroff £53,105.73
8 (8) fernanj £52,453.87
9 (6) Sharky £52,361.85
10 (7) Weezydj £52,294.50

* () number in bracket is the player's ranking the day before
Congratualtions Chartman.

I thought I had done enough, but the best man won.
Although the T-shirt's mine this month 😉
Many congratulations, Chartman 🙂

And congratulations too, FB - that was an amazing sprint into the final lap 🙂

Well done, Chartman!
... and thanks for sorting out probs with shorts; its a very good game
Thanks for the praise guys, but a word or two of truth might not go amiss here....Had this oppurtunity arisen for real, there is no way I would have achieved what I did in the comp. MONI is such a volatile risky ride, I don't think I could even consider it for real. Secondly, to maintain the adrenalin,I had to more or less match grobag and try and outwit him by forward guessing the MONI action and base my trading descisions partly on what he was doing and partly what I thought MONI might do.
Wright or wrong, I did enjoy the action, as I'm sure most of you did. It sure is a great formula for a competition and I'm certain that before long, someone willl pick out an absolute outsider and show gains of 100% and whip us all .🙂
As I already have a T2W T Shirt, this month's will go to FTSE Beater.


I hereby award you the Tin Hat and Flying helmet for your charting abilities 🙂

Neil (Toby)
Eeerrrrrr Toby

Are you sure you should be giving away such a prodigious award. <IMG SRC="" width="100 " height="100 " align="right">
I know Chartman did well, but Tin hat's, I'm not so sure.