Charting and Analysis

  • Thread starter Thread starter SGlenn
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  • Watchers Watchers 6


For some years now I've been Spread-betting with CMC Deal4Free. Originally I played the indices but over the last 2 years I have focused on Forex. With the passage of time I have been developing a trading methodology based on Technical Analysis.

My one complaint with the D4F Market-maker package is the charting software.

I have recently trialed a number of Forex Trading software packages and have been really impressed with some of their charting software. So much so that I may open a Mini account and utilise the charting software while still dealing mainly through the D4F account.

So to my question - what is the best stand alone charting package out there. When I used to trade equities I used UPDATA's Technical Analyst.

Suggestions on a postcard, I dont mind paying for the software as I trade full time and good software will pay for itself in no time.


Thanks for that, I am currently using the charts from a demo account wwith Apex Forex which are pretty good - just wondering if there was a good stand alone tool out there?
I use strategy builder fx which is free through They work pretty well for me and have a good array of indicators.
I've tried eSignal, Tahoe, Strategem, ProRealTime, PowerCharts, CMS charts, D4F charts but I always end up reverting to Intellichart Desktop (
The charting software for CMC Forex was recently upgraded and received some major improvements including back testing. If this isn't available for the spread betting you might want to switch to a forex account.


How do the Prorealtime indicated prices compare with the CMC prices for cable? Do they keep step consistently?

Ofter with other providers, there can be a discrepancy, eg, GFT bid is lower than CMC by 1 pip pretty consistently, FXCM varies but is generally lower and not so consistent, Oanda lags D4F. Do you think Prorealtime and CMC use the same price feed?
Thanks, Gamma. It sounds like a fine Scotch the way you describe it, lol.

As you can guess, I am trying to figure out a way of improving the CMC charting. That implies that the currently only way to get better charting on CMC spreadbetting, is to have a CMC forex or CFD account - would that be right?
I have used ProRealTime for four months now and find it very useful. It does not move exactly like CMC, and I do find the prices step out of line a few pips, but more often than not CMC is the less volatile feed. Anyway the difference is usually a few pips, and the prices move very much in line.

They do offer a free trial for a week, including live data. The website is Once you register, make sure you contact them up and tell them you need live data since otherwise you don't get it with the trial version. No credit cards needed at this stage if I remember right.

The analysis is good, you can have pretty much any indicator you want. Its cheaper than esignal, but the support isn't the best. To be fair they call you back if you have a query but you are pretty much on your own, and its a easy to use package. Of course it has its own basic language to program all your alerts and even build your own indicators, but I am assuming most people won't be using it.

As for Gamma's point on the closing numbers, I do find that pivot numbers are a bit different from say the ones on MT4. You can't choose closing times here, but then the difference is negligible in most cases. After all, its no point going into too much precision with pivots, because like S/R, they are not honoured to the pip every time.

Happy Trading!!!
GammaJammer said:
Blithe, Roberto

We should start a campaign to get them to use 1700 EST for their close. Virtual petition anyone?

Sounds good to me; the odd closing time really messes up the daily charts. Should we each email them or can you think of a better way?


Time Frame Changes

Yo Fellow PRTians,

Keeping in mind the popular demand I sent PRT an email asking for help with two features:

(1) Changing the time for calculating the pivot points to 5 pm EST in line with industry practice
(2) Changing my time setting on the charts to London time (PRT default is London +1, bit frustrating for me)

Here's the reply:

Dear Blithe,

For the moment it is not possible to change any time frame on prorealtime. We are working on this and it will be available in a future version of the workstation.

Best Regards,

PRT Sales Department

Hybrid Thread

I would have thought TradeStation was the best. See Spread Trading Charts
SGlenn said:
So to my question - what is the best stand alone charting package out there. .. good software will pay for itself in no time.