CFD / SB index cash quotes


Established member
Hi all. I'm pretty new to this site and would welcome some feedback.

I've been trading CFD's & SB's for about 6 months now with success frankly well beyond expectations (until yesterday - Friday 28th May - that is when I got badly burned. See post My only related previous experience was managing small Broker Bonds in the mid-eighties - all paper/phone based, together with the insights provided by senior manager/director responsibilities whilst preparing two companies for an SE listings and an aquisition.

I've watched the FTSE100 5 minute graph, together with index cash quotes from a number of SB/CFD providers like a hawk for several weeks now. it is clear to me that I have some learning to do about the factors that influence those quotes real-time and often very rapidly through a 24 hour period. Would anyone like to make some observations on the following for starters:

It is clear that the cash quotes often get slightly out of sync with the main index (and each other!). During the day it is generally only by a point or two but my observations suggest that such discrepancies generally signal a move in the same direction by the main index and are often maintained for an extended period during that move. If the discrepancy moves the other way, then you can bet the index will follow (I'm only talking about a point or so here - ie well within the quoted spread). Whilst I am generally watching a 5 minute index chart I also display the tick-by-tick value so the only delay is that inherent in the feed and my satelite connection - ie no more than a couple of seconds at most -I HOPE!

The quotes are no doubt influenced by (dependent upon?) futures indices - but which one's; to what extent and how do I get a real-time feed of them (watching half a dozen CFD/SB providers is tedious, subject to observational error (info overload), no substitute for a real-time graphs and my present Sharescope RT doesn't seem to provide any). It's the real-time interaction between relevant futures and the main index that I'm interested in here.
