CFD Position Size Calculator


I don't get it. I write software and GIVE it away (here) and the (my) original thread gets deleted because some OTHER idiot decides to try to "sell" an ONLINE version of a CFD Position Size Calculator!!!

Anyway (and long story short): here is the latest version of MY CFD Position Size Calculator. I wrote this piece of software because FOREX Position Size Calculators are "a dime a dozen" on the Internet but I could find NOTHING for CFDs (but then, of course, found out later, that some OTHER idiot has a "paid for" web based version somewhere and got my thread deleted)!!!

The software is totally free i.e. it's not a trial or demo version so feel free to use it and distribute it freely. It only works for trading accounts where the base currency is USD but I'm currently working on a new version that will allow the trader to choose the base currency and this should be ready soon.

If you have Deltastock's Delta Trading trading platform installed (with the API activated) it will automatically do the currency conversions for you (getting the price quotes directly from the trading platform). If you do not have Deltastock's Delta Trading trading platform installed then you have to input the relevant USD/??? or ???/USD exchange rate yourself.

That's it.

Have fun. Enjoy. And remember: ALWAYS MANAGE RISK!!! Break THIS ONE RULE and it WILL "lead to tears" I assure you.


Dale Paterson.


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join the club............lots of people are paying money for strengthmeter based systems and my ones are free here at T2W ...........their money their choice !

join the club............lots of people are paying money for strengthmeter based systems and my ones are free here at T2W ...........their money their choice !

Yeh. It just upsets me that MY thread had to be deleted!!! LOL!!!

Over 10 000 posts you have??? Geez. And I thought I was a "record holder" on BabyPips (just over 4 500 posts)!!! LOL!!!

