CFA or SII Diploma

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I've been considering taking either the CFA or the Securities Institute Diploma exams but have heard mixed opinions from different people.

On one hand the CFA seems to be well recognized world wide on the other hand the SII Diploma allows me to select specific modules whereas the CFA is rather general. I'm not particularly interested in equities, portfolio management or accounting - all of which are covered in the CFA. The SII Diploma seems to allow me to cover areas that I want to cover but I'm concerned that having 'MSI' after my name might not carry the same recognition as having 'CFA' (I'm now in a client facing role).
My 2c, do the CFA. It is not that hard though there is a bit of boring learning (ethics and such nonsense that you have to pretend to care about).

The CFA really boosts your stock and is well worth the money it will end up costing over the 3 years (approx 750 quid a year with exams and books).

It is mostly common sense and people seem to like to see it...
This is realy tough question.
The answer is tricky. Where do you see your self in 5 years time?
If you do the CFA, while the 3 years is tough, it does give you exemption from the SII diploma investment analysis module..... If that helps....
@ pedror414: you do reaise thhat you just replied to a three year old thread? 🙂
There are many high school diplomas that offer fake diploma at reasonable rates. People buy diploma to apply for further study or to get job but there are many universities that are scam. I also want to buy SII diploma please suggest me any well known university.
