Cardiff wales meet


Junior member
hello all

Over the last few years i have often had to jump on the train in cardiff and make my way to london for yet another seminar with the hope of learning more in order to make me a better and profitable trader of the stock markets i have often found these trips long and costly days thinking why an earth don t they take place in wales although there is the odd company that set s up seminars in cardiff these companies want you to part with thousands of pounds to get a place on their course (which of course is in london) to which there is no garantee that they will or even can make you a profitable trader.

Many people who trade on the markets give up generaly because they are not very good and lose a lot on money there is a lot of information available via good forums such as T2W in order to help you get a better understanding of how and what makes these markets react in the manner the do. It would be great if there was a holy grail but unfortunately that s not the case, study study understanding and more study with a few thousands of pounds may and i do mean MAY just make one lucky enough not to lose a lot of money.

I am now setting up a face to face forum meet in order for people of all levels to meet up discuss and hopefully learn a bit from each and every person that attends at these meeting there is no selling of any product and all i ask if that you can give a small contrabution to cover the costs of the venue which hopefully should be no more than £10 - £15 pounds may be less if the numbers are enough. At these forum meets we will do our best to cover all issues that s relevant to become or inprove trading abilities strategies as well as all informations as to the companies that take or borrow our money. these are going to be a great place for newbies and partime lookingt o improve traders. I will endevour on a monthly basis to have one proffesional trader there who is will to share explain,guide and advise how they trade helping all of us understand the markets in more detail.

I would welcome any proffesional retired, bored, or just fantastically helpfull trader who understands and appreciates the difficulty all us semi,novice,wanna be traders go through on the road to madness in order to succeed in these markets as this forums grows we would probably have to look at on a monthly basis bringing in top london traders to particapate in this monthly event.

I would also appreciate the involvement of people who would like to particapate in the creation of these monthly meets

These meets should take place either newport or cardiff to which i have access to conferance site at either place and the reason for this is that it also gives good access to those all over wales and the west and all will be welcome to attend. There will be masses of knowledge and loads of new ideas for everyone to learn.

I would like to think that we could have the meeting to be at with 12-18 months for wales and west please lets not let this opportunity pass us buy it is very achievable

dates for these events would have to be agreed but it would certainly be nice if we could get the first one for October 2011 sometime around the middle of the month (TBA)

for all interested parties please post via this forum and i will get back to you and we can take it from there for all legendary as well as all other proffesional members it would be good to have you particapate in this informal monthly meetings in wales if you could spare the time you certainly would be made very welcome.

kind regards
I live near swansea, id be 100% up for a meet closer than London if you can get enough members involved.
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that s good rich lets see how this goes the more the merrier does nt realy matter how many there are 2 start with i think a good number would be 8 - 10 and we can let it grow from there

so come on everyone lets get this underway