Carbon Trading

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Looking for some feed back upon your thought on Carbon Investments/Trading?

Been offered a job as a broker but not sure which way the land lies for its future...

Is it a "Get Rich Qucik Scheme"? Or does Carbon have a future...


Looking for some feed back upon your thought on Carbon Investments/Trading?

Been offered a job as a broker but not sure which way the land lies for its future...

Is it a "Get Rich Qucik Scheme"? Or does Carbon have a future...


Hello Nemo,😛

Welcome on Trade2Win and I hope that people join in your thread.:cheesy:

Speak soon,
Let's spice things up.

It will be around for a long time because governments have cottoned on that this is a great SCAM for leeching taxes from businesses and individuals under the guise of saving the environment. *dons flame-proof suit* And it isn't carbon footprint because that's black and sooty; it's carbon dioxide, you green, CO2-headed morons.


(The dobermans were sold due to government cutbacks.)
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Let's spice things up.

It will be around for a long time because governments have cottoned on that this is a great SCAM for leeching taxes from businesses and individuals under the guise of saving the environment. *dons flame-proof suit* And it isn't carbon footprint because that's black and sooty; it's carbon dioxide, you green, CO2-headed morons.


(The dobermans were sold due to government cutbacks.)

:whistling I personally think that it is just the 'explosion' in Human population, it is naive to think that we wouldn't be producing more greenhouse gases, the bigger concern surely is whether the earth can provide for everybody going forward with an ever larger population? Mind I am sure there was some talk of a slowing in expansion.

Carbon trading does sound interesting though. There is Carbon Emissions on IG, Dec 2011 future contract by the looks and has been very bullish since Dec 2010.
Hello NKG, Crabon Trading certainly has a future if you can make money consistently. Consistency is key, my friend.
Doesn't look like many people interested in discussing the Carbon Trading market then. I don't quite know what to make of it. It does seem a bit odd to 'sell' it as an investment when essence it is a commodity. It is a little like having an investment business selling only Gold as an investment or One individual stock? No😕
But you're not selling carbon, are you? You're selling the right for people (governments) to produce carbon and get away with it. It's a bit of a bizarre market but a market nevertheless. </pedant>
:whistling I personally think that it is just the 'explosion' in Human population, it is naive to think that we wouldn't be producing more greenhouse gases, the bigger concern surely is whether the earth can provide for everybody going forward with an ever larger population? Mind I am sure there was some talk of a slowing in expansion.

Yes, we're parasites on this planet and there are too many of us as it is. We need to encourage a smaller growth rate or in fact a negative growth rate.
is the company a reputable one?

and for everyone else, read the post - he's been offered a job (well done mate 🙂) as a BROKER.
He doesn't write contracts, he doesnt buy contracts, he doesn't speculate contracts or arbitrage contracts, he'll have a book of clients and get the deals that they want... done.

carbon credits, energy markets etc will be around for a long time. but of you are "broking" the carbon credits that a 300 acre farm in nicaragua is entitled to them look for another position 🙂
I had a play for a bit, trading on ECX. Was completely pointless in the end and the comissions were ludicrous. ECX were going to introduce a scheme for arcardes to provide liquidity and I was one of the experimenters...

No idea about the OTC stuff.

One thing... it is one of the easiest futures to take delivery on - 1 lot was like 20k notional or something, and then you get given a piece of paper. They have a daily future too, which you could spread against the expiry for cost of carry if you were prepared to take said delivery...
Your right, it is a Broker position essentially Brokering deals and satisfying orders.

Most of the "Green" investments I have seen are run by spank shops... Hence the post

Carbon credits seem good but only hesitation I have is wrt to the clients exit?!? There seems to be no real selling market (unless anyone can shed light on this), as it seems like people are just buying and holding on in hope that the prices will rocket to give 200% returns 🙄

My point is, if one enters such a field.. With a newbie company.. Offering what appears to be legitimate credits sourced from a VER... As a broker.. Is their a chance that it will tarnish ones career and make them unemployable?

Probably won't take the job anyway, but just curious lol 😛
You can sell them any time with ample liquidity at the moment, like anything else, you just need a buyer.

It certainly won't damage your career IF you are certain that you will be working for a legitimate firm.

Try messaging TWI on here - he's in carbon and knows the score.
NKG - what's the shop? Carbon is well covered by brokers and being at a good shop that will get real flow (from Belgian trumpet making factories etc.) makes a massive difference from what I can see .
Rosehound- their based in UK, Hampshire... Not costa del crime.

Above board and have transparency with credits, ie the source etc.

No massive presence as of yet..
90% chance the company is scummy. Probably looking to cold call investors trying to stuff them up with carbon credits. Sell the clients something for £5000 that's worth £500 and the poor clients won't realise they've been ripped off because most of them will be too stupid to do any independent research.