Capital Spreads Competition


Active member
As some of you aware Capital Spreads ran a year end competition (it's closed now).
One needed to guess FTSE100 level at year end. My personal guess was 5,950 and I was wondering how many people actually submitted their guesses.

I personally think WorldSpreads' competition was much better but as spread betting brokers compete for the new customers there'll be plenty more competitions in 2011.
If GFT run a competition open to all existing clients, the odds of winning will be very high.
Yea I entered that - lol - my guess would've been pretty good if the comp was for Xmas eve it ended one week ago at 6008.92 - my guess was 6011, it was flirting with that Weds, but as soon as it didn't carry on past 6021 yesterday - I knew the game was up, because of profit taking what with December being a very good month for the FTSE!

Incidentally the settlement today was at 5899.94.
When it got stuck at about 5,954 today I thought I had a chance... couldn't wait till market closed.
And then it just crushed... I'm off by 50 points.
Not me! Although my guess of 6011 was pretty decent for the week before and yesterday's open.
Although they wont "give out the full details to anyone" - they do confirm that two people won £2500 each for guessing 5885, 2nd was 5915, 3rd was 5884. I cant remember the prizes for 2nd and 3rd closest.
I'm surprised that there weren't more guesses around the 5900 area! Maybe everyone was overly optimistic or overly pessimistic with their guesses!
Although they wont "give out the full details to anyone" - they do confirm that two people won £2500 each for guessing 5885, 2nd was 5915, 3rd was 5884. I cant remember the prizes for 2nd and 3rd closest.
I'm surprised that there weren't more guesses around the 5900 area! Maybe everyone was overly optimistic or overly pessimistic with their guesses!

Damn, I really thought my 8500 was going to be the winner.
I think 5885 was a good balanced judgement to be honest (as proven as well I suppose). Wasn't the top prize an iPad, can be hard to share those things, I don't even like the wife touching mine!

Probably fair they got the cash alternative - I came in at 5600. Bit off but I expected a bit more volatility I suppose instead of the constant pushing on 6k