Capital Guarantee Funds? Collateral Trading?


Established member
To things I've been asked to look into.

Capital Guarantee fund? To protect Big money clients. I have no Idea how and who I need to contact to set one up. Insurance comanies? Legal? Broker/Dealers? etc...


Bonds (Zeros) used as collateral for Margin account trading.

If anyone has EXP or some REAL insights I could really use some help in this area.
you want to find a capital guarantee fund or helping your client to get the capital guarantee fund ?
Capital Guaranteed Funds

After years of low interest rates and often disappointing returns from shares and managed funds it is not surprising that many people feel they need to play catch-up, especially if they missed the property boom.
The spectre of higher global interest rates is also causing anxiety about future share market returns.
But with so many complex new products on the market, and the memory of corporate collapses and outright fraud fresh in many people’s minds, it is also not surprising that anyone within cooee of retirement, or already retired, is loathe to risk their capital. Hence the emergence of a rash of new high-risk, high-return products with a capital guarantee attached.
These products are aimed at cautious investors who want better returns than cash or bonds but who also want to sleep at night.