Capacity of China’s steel enterprises shift to oversea collectively


Entering in 2010, China’s steel enterprises still face with great challenge, on one hand, they are deadlocked in the iron ore negotiation, one the other hand, they should eliminate the obsolete capacity with the country’ s industry policy.

Recently reporters learned that some large-scaled steel enterprises of China began to shift the capacity to the iron ore producing areas in a bid to cope with the current state.

Experts of China Iron & Steel Association (CISA) analyzed that it is a big trend that China’ s steel firms shift capacity to overseas, even principals of steelmakers believed that it is the latest policy to deal with the monopoly of the oversea ore giants.

It is learned that private enterprises have set the small-scaled production line in India. Besides, the steel firms who shift capacity to oversea prefer to iron ore producing areas, such as Brazil, Australia and etc..

To shift capacity to oversea can be regarded as a makeshift of China steel enterprises which passed domestic policy of steel industry.

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