Candlestick filling and colors


I had a question that may be silly to some. I'm trying to learn more about candlesticks and have a question. I understand about filled real bodies being down days and open being up days. On there are filled green real bodies. How are these different from the open green real bodies? Thanks in advance!
This is not definite, but if you have a look you'll probably be able to figure it out:

Unfilled Green: Close higher than open AND close higher than close of previous bar
Unfilled Red: Close higher than open AND close lower than close of previous bar
Filled Red: Close lower than open AND close lower than close of previous bar
Filled Green: Close lower than open AND close higher than close of previous bar

So basically, unfilled means close>open, filled means close<open, red means close<previous close, green means close>previous close.

Most of the red bars you see will be filled, and most green bars will be unfilled, since down bars usually close lower than the previous bar, and up bars usually close higher, except when there is a gap on open.

Also, there rules aren't absolute - most software lets you choose a colour scheme - personally I just have all bars filled, with red for down, green for up. And some people use black+red instead of green+red.