Can you test more than one strategy at a time in Tradestation?


Senior member
I have no experience of this software so am interested to know if you can see the outcome of multiple strategies.. e.g., given $x starting equity, can I use a rules system for 3 currency pairs simultaneously and see the resulting outcome? The software would have to know (for example) that if I was long in ccy pair 1 and ccy pair 2, then I can't take the signal in ccy pair 3. Does the software extend to this level of complexity?
I have no experience of this software so am interested to know if you can see the outcome of multiple strategies.. e.g., given $x starting equity, can I use a rules system for 3 currency pairs simultaneously and see the resulting outcome? The software would have to know (for example) that if I was long in ccy pair 1 and ccy pair 2, then I can't take the signal in ccy pair 3. Does the software extend to this level of complexity?
Generally speaking Tradestation is designed to run with one strategy on one instrument. However it is possible to do what you require within TS using what are known as Globalvariables (also with AllDataEverywhere - ADEs).

What globalvariables do is to store values that can be used by any window within TS. So you could have a separate window with price charts for each of the 3 currency pairs. Each one could have its own strategy running on the chart. There is a function within TS to lookup the market position of an instrument. So this can be used to lookup the current position in, say GBPUSD, and the result placed into a globalvariable called, say, GBPUSD_Position. One another chart e.g. GBPEUR, which could be in a totally separate window, the globalvariable GBPUSD_Position can be referenced in the strategy for GBPEUR along the lines of IF GPUSD_Position > 0 then BUY ....

You could also mix currencies with other data e.g. buy the currency depending upon what is happening to ES.

You may need to think carefully about the order in which the strategies are applied if each of the currency pairs is interdependent upon the other two. Also there can be differences between strategies running in live mode compared to those running in backtest mode.

I have run strategies dependent upon multiple symbols and timeframes with these kind of interdependencies, albeit not on forex (although the instrument would make no difference)
