Can someone please give me an openion about this

Mr Steve

Junior member
Has anyone used Vantage Point Software?
I have a salesman calling me swearing up and down this software can predict a trend 80% of the time.
I have found out in learning to trade everyone is trying to sell a magic bullet.
Can someone please give me an openion?

Mr Steve
The emperor is not wearing clothes.

If the software was so super useful he would be trading it not selling it.
I have Vantage Point software.

First of all I'll introduce myself so as to no confusion:

I am a trader full time and as a full time pay I rely solely on the markets for my money and have done for many years.

I purchased VP, as I do with many little things now and then and have fully got to grips with what it is about.

It is very good for graphs, graph plotting and general directional trending.

It's sh1t for price, way too expensive for what it does and has no way effected my trading, if it had, I wouldn't be making as much. The refund policy is crap and pretty much non effective, the saleman are pushy and very strong closers, be careful not to be sucked in.

For newbies, which is what its aimed at, will NOT help you at all, the only thing it will do is give you signals of when to trade, these on their own are not sufficient to make it in the world of trading.

Understand that if it was that good, people would ring up on a monday morning and say 'morning Mr Sorros, I have left an end of day data program making all the decisions for your fund today, if you need me, I'll be down the pub.

Beware that end of day (EOD) data programs start to become obsolete the moment the information is downloaded. It does not take into account any fundamentals, news breaks, political events ect, so knows nothing about trading. All VP does is takes EOD data from a cross section of many markets and looks to predict the price of the next few days, if this is wrong it's registered as 2 or 3 misses, if your on this trade, you could be looking at many hundreds, maybe thousands of points or pounds offside. When its right, it classes this as a hit but the hit may only be for few tens of points or pounds. Either way, guessing the trend is relatively easy to the point you can be right a big percentage of the time, ie 80%, it's not about being right or wrong, its how you handle the trade.

Its no good being wrong 20% and losing 10k but being right 80% and winning 5k. Its not as simple as guessing the market up or down on the day to earn money, some days are more up and some days are more down.

My opinion: Do not buy. Value worth aprox £200 (not the thousands they want for it to pay the salesforce)