Can my landlady screw me over?

Nothing beats the originals dude...i'd file them away safe, like you would with bills, bank statements etc.

Wilkinsons paper box file about 4 quid. Sorted ! 😆

I don't like keeping things.
I try to be as minimalist as possible. Less for me to think about.

I just edited my last post to ask a question, but since you have already responded to this, you might not have seen it.

Landlords have to put deposits in a seperate account right? Do I have a right to ask for proof of this?

EDIT: Found the answer. Yes, I can ask for my "Tenancy Deposit Certificate Code".
If she doesn't then she might be made pay my 3x the deposit amount by a court.

Interesting... 🙂
If she's insisting on cash then she's probably evading tax. And if she's evading tax then she probably hasnt protected my deposit.

That could be a nice little bargaining chip 😉
Last edited:
I don't like keeping things.
I try to be as minimalist as possible. Less for me to think about.

I just edited my last post to ask a question, but since you have already responded to this, you might not have seen it.

Landlords have to put deposits in a seperate account right? Do I have a right to ask for proof of this?

I wouldn't have thought so. As long as you have a signed receipt for monies handed over, then the landlord has probably fulfilled their duty.

If some future dispute should arise, then the small claims court might become involved.

Important to distinguish between something that might just be a book keeping excercise, ie if an accountant allows photo receipts etc and that which could end up as a document in court. Signed paper has to beat a photo hands down 👍
I don't like keeping things.
I try to be as minimalist as possible. Less for me to think about.

I just edited my last post to ask a question, but since you have already responded to this, you might not have seen it.

Landlords have to put deposits in a seperate account right? Do I have a right to ask for proof of this?

EDIT: Found the answer. Yes, I can ask for my "Tenancy Deposit Certificate Code".
If she doesn't then she might be made pay my 3x the deposit amount by a court.

Interesting... 🙂
If she's insisting on cash then she's probably evading tax. And if she's evading tax then she probably hasnt protected my deposit.

That could be a nice little bargaining chip 😉

Maybe, but there's nothing to bargain if she decides she doesn't want you as a tenant. You would just end up looking for new digs.
Maybe, but there's nothing to bargain if she decides she doesn't want you as a tenant. You would just end up looking for new digs.

I just realised that it's actually a lodgers agreement I have... not a tenancy contract... there goes any rights I thought I had 🙂

I guess I'll be looking for a new place soon 🙂
Hello folks 🙂
I've posted this on a more query specific website but wanted to see if any of you could help me either.

I have been renting a room in my landladies home in England since June 10th this year, but only signed the contract about 6-7 days ago (4 weeks later).

The contract says that the rent was to be £100 per week but since the room wasn't ready (tenant hadn't moved out yet), we verbally agreed on £80 per week for the makeshift room I was given and this lasted for about 3 weeks. After those 3 weeks, a tenant in a different room (smaller) and I swapped rooms as per the landladies suggestion, to which I continued to pay £80 per week (this was also how much the other tenant was paying for it).

Anyway... I decided that the place is not right for me and as per the contract, I am allowed to leave once I give and see out a 30 day notice.

One of my questions is on whether she can get sulky and back-claim the difference in the £80 I was paying and the £100 that was stated in the contract since it was only verbally agreed that I pay 80 until the room was ready (the agreed room is still not ready as the tenant is still here - and was the signed witness on our contract)?

I paid the deposit in cash and she emailed me a receipt, but the rent to date has been paid in cash (put into a rent book which I initialled last week when we got around to signing the contract.

PS: The contract is not dated where it was signed... at least not my copy anyway... can't remember if her copy was...

Thanks in advance!

Check for which forum the landlady posts and there you are likely to find her thread, "how the fck to get rid of the tenant from Hell?"

Always 2 sides to a story

Knowing you, if I had to bet, I'd bet on the landlady being the good one.