Can a TRULY TRUSTWORTHY online broker be found?


There is none to be found, darling.

In this world of non-perfection, even the big ones DOTH GO BANKRUPT!

Well, you can try the small spread companies for a few quid first per pip and see whether the price they quote is trustworthy! The general rule is that Spread Bet/ Trade Broker do not go against your bet, but they are required to hedge against your bet in the case that should there be any loss, the hedge is a guarantee.

Truly good ones do actually hedge but buying into Contract Futures against the actual bet placed! Dodgy ones do not! These are liken to gambling dens!

But, you have to find out for yourself as there is none so far that I have found that is trustworthy. Not as yet! Read my thread 'Has the FTSE reached its TOP yet?' You can find some good advice about spread trade/ bet.

About STRESS during Trading:-

When the going gets tough, it is natural to get stressed and fearful of going into the MARKET even with the good info given by the EMA/ RSI or other analysis such as fundamental analysis.

Brokers that are likely to flounder CAUSES MORE STRESS and ANGER as they are deemed to have cheated on their clients ( in a way breach of trust ). Remember that all these years since the last DOWNTURN in 2002 until this present one, there are so many being folded!.

So, will it be good to stay put? It is naturally not good as making some trades will risk your investment - this is liken to gambling, BUT gamblers DO NOT stress! Look at those poker chaps - they are good at psychology! In a game like poker, the straight faced ones normally WIN!

So, stay put, but it NEVER brings profits or any loss. What the solution is to get into the swing of things by getting certain perspective Right and get into V-trading. Virtual trading can be a BETTER option than PAPER TRADING.


Hi there

Be one with GOD, so that HE may appoint a deliver for your Soul-HariHaraBramKalki(S K)