Thats the best way to get a dream , through a pipe I mean, for instance I was smokin one once took off the e the word pipe and the word pip formed in grey clouds in my mind.
Then Brucie forsyth's appeared and turned to me in his uusal gay stance and said..
"Nice to see you Legion to see you nice"
"cheers Bruce lar, thanks for having me" I replied..
he then mustered all his charismatic showbiz years crafted gaze on me and said "o'k Legion nothing for a pair not in this game, but what do pip's make ? "
"Prizes' Bruce.... they make kin prizes, cheers chin '' I said.
with that he looked over beyond my shoulder to a crowd and said
"Alright my loves, your so much better than last weeks audience" {to the roar of studio laughter.}
instantly I sussed last weeks audience was the same as this weeks and that must of been an old gag or somethin. but you know what? It stilled made me laugh. What a pro..
with that he faded, but he still lives on, thanks to that pipedream.
yeah pipedreams..