Cable Drop


Junior member
You'll have to forgive me ... I'm new at this, so am probably missing the obvious. I've been looking at forex trading - Haven't been brave enough yet, but I'm close to having my first try. Watching the charts, there was this huge drop on the Cable chart. Can anyone enlighten me ... What happened to cause that? I've attached the screenshot of the drop in question.


  • Cable_Drop.jpg
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FutureMillionaire? said:
You'll have to forgive me ... I'm new at this, so am probably missing the obvious. I've been looking at forex trading - Haven't been brave enough yet, but I'm close to having my first try. Watching the charts, there was this huge drop on the Cable chart. Can anyone enlighten me ... What happened to cause that? I've attached the screenshot of the drop in question.

Hi mate,

First thing when you so first try I hope you are talking about paper trading if not please consider it...
The drop that you see there is something that happens on the first friday of every month as a fundamental report comes out called Non-FarmPayroll report..........

When you say that you have taken forex trading up I would ask you to do a bit of study if you needs some stuff to guide you send me a PM with you email address so i will send you enough material to keep you going also there is a thread on currency trading for all weeks which will give you a better idea of what is going day by day and what sort of expectations to keep from the market ........

Just and idea if you want need any help in getting started please feel free to ask...than to sit there wondering... 😆

Best of luck
Happy Trading
FutureMillionaire? said:
You'll have to forgive me ... I'm new at this, so am probably missing the obvious. I've been looking at forex trading - Haven't been brave enough yet, but I'm close to having my first try. Watching the charts, there was this huge drop on the Cable chart. Can anyone enlighten me ... What happened to cause that? I've attached the screenshot of the drop in question.

Respectfully money happens to cause that. therein lies the challenge , you have to lay with the devil and most will experience to wake up in the morning with a very soar you know what for the priviledge. You definately need to be on top of this devil and Pump like an olympiad on his 1st day coming out of 10 year jail stretch.

Now post charts of the EUR/USD and USD/CHF same settings as your cable car please.
rav700 said:
Hi mate,

First thing when you so first try I hope you are talking about paper trading if not please consider it...
The drop that you see there is something that happens on the first friday of every month as a fundamental report comes out called Non-FarmPayroll report..........

When you say that you have taken forex trading up I would ask you to do a bit of study if you needs some stuff to guide you send me a PM with you email address so i will send you enough material to keep you going also there is a thread on currency trading for all weeks which will give you a better idea of what is going day by day and what sort of expectations to keep from the market ........

Just and idea if you want need any help in getting started please feel free to ask...than to sit there wondering... 😆

Best of luck
Happy Trading

Thanks very much, that's very kind of you, but I have heaps and heaps of learning material and videos. Now that you've reminded me, I do remember reading about the Non-FarmPayroll report, but there's just so much to take in and I just didn't realise THAT was the effect it had. I'll certainly watch out for that one in future.
Yes, I'll paper trade first. I'm certainly not rushing into this - I've got a lot of homework to do. I've been spending some months exploring the possibilities, and I'm a little sceptical. I know that for every winner, there has to be losers (and in the beginning, I'll probably be one of those). Presumably, though, some of you actually succeed ... so possibly, in the future, there maybe a place for me among the winners..... It's worth a try anyway.

I'd be very interested to know if there are many success stories out there ... or are we all just losers chasing a pipedream?
[QUOTEor are we all just losers chasing a pipedream?[/QUOTE]


I am quite happy with my trading 😱
or are we all just losers chasing a pipedream?


I am quite happy with my trading 😱

Does it provide a real income ... or just a little pocket money?

My pipedream (along with many others, I imagine) is to be able to live where I want, work when I want and not to have to brave the elements on those horrible dark winter days. I'll just throw another log on the fire, and power up my PC.

Possible ... or am I living in cloud cuckoo land?
I'd be very interested to know if there are many success stories out there ... or are we all just losers chasing a pipedream?

I guess that depends on how you determine success and what it is you are chasing. for example all I ever wanted was to own a Ferrari but when it came to the point where I could just buy one I found that my goal had changed I no longer wanted a high cost depreciating asset I wanted more time to do the things I should have been doing when working hard towards the Ferrari
FutureMillionaire? said:
or are we all just losers chasing a pipedream?

Thats the best way to get a dream , through a pipe I mean, for instance I was smokin one once took off the e the word pipe and the word pip formed in grey clouds in my mind.

Then Brucie forsyth's appeared and turned to me in his uusal gay stance and said..

"Nice to see you Legion to see you nice"

"cheers Bruce lar, thanks for having me" I replied..

he then mustered all his charismatic showbiz years crafted gaze on me and said "o'k Legion nothing for a pair not in this game, but what do pip's make ? "

"Prizes' Bruce.... they make kin prizes, cheers chin '' I said.

with that he looked over beyond my shoulder to a crowd and said

"Alright my loves, your so much better than last weeks audience" {to the roar of studio laughter.}

instantly I sussed last weeks audience was the same as this weeks and that must of been an old gag or somethin. but you know what? It stilled made me laugh. What a pro..

with that he faded, but he still lives on, thanks to that pipedream.

yeah pipedreams..
Legion said:
Thats the best way to get a dream , through a pipe I mean, for instance I was smokin one once took off the e the word pipe and the word pip formed in grey clouds in my mind.

Then Brucie forsyth's appeared and turned to me in his uusal gay stance and said..

"Nice to see you Legion to see you nice"

"cheers Bruce lar, thanks for having me" I replied..

he then mustered all his charismatic showbiz years crafted gaze on me and said "o'k Legion nothing for a pair not in this game, but what do pip's make ? "

"Prizes' Bruce.... they make kin prizes, cheers chin '' I said.

with that he looked over beyond my shoulder to a crowd and said

"Alright my loves, your so much better than last weeks audience" {to the roar of studio laughter.}

instantly I sussed last weeks audience was the same as this weeks and that must of been an old gag or somethin. but you know what? It stilled made me laugh. What a pro..

with that he faded, but he still lives on, thanks to that pipedream.

yeah pipedreams..
Legion, That's hilarious mate, keep it up. Humour is a must when this FX beast gets you down!

As far as the subject goes... futuremillionaire, if you read and read you will work out who makes enough from trading to get all that you wish for. They are out there but just not shouting about it. There is always the same question coming out and you'll find the replies if you search. Get yourself a system and stick to it like Sh!t to a blanket, don't let your emotions get in the way. Trading takes years of practice and learning not months or weeks....

Good luck and all the best, hope to see you are still here in a year's time giving the same advice to some other newbie that arrives on the block.
Priceman said:
Good luck and all the best, hope to see you are still here in a year's time giving the same advice to some other newbie that arrives on the block.

Thanks very much. I hope so too.

Ray (aka FutureMillionaire .... do you think the 'handle' is a possibility?)
FutureMillionaire? said:
Thanks very much. I hope so too.

Ray (aka FutureMillionaire .... do you think the 'handle' is a possibility?)

I think a length of ropes a possibility...

Ray, you are already a millionaire, now just need to take the steps up the path.

wheres those charts? yeesh some people....

lets do it.