Buy tickbox


Active member
Anyone else not been able to get the 'buy as much as you can afford' tickbox to work?
Is there a place, other than here, to post problems?
Annoyingly, that facility has not worked for a while. Whenever I use it my attempted trade is rejected.
Yep, I've had a problem with that as well.

I'll email the mods & ask them to post here.
Wasn't aware of the problem before now - I'll schedule some time in to get it fixed. Sorry about the delay!
Can anyone who plays the share competition please confirm whether this problem still exists. If so, I'll make sure we fix it this coming week.
Problem is still there with the tickbox

Sharky said:
Can anyone who plays the share competition please confirm whether this problem still exists. If so, I'll make sure we fix it this coming week.