

Legendary member
Hope that this is the right place to put this.

For a while I have been having slow executing trouble when I look at a page, then this box comes on. It's in Spanish but, essentially, it says that a text error is causing the problem. When I press "si" I can scroll but, as soon as I go to another page the whole thing starts again.

To check that it isn't my computer I have gone to similar forum sites and have no trouble on them.

Seriously though, I haven't noticed anything like that, although T2W is frequently very slow when other sites load at normal speed.
I have noticed that T2W is slower-loading than other sites, too.

One observation is that the page sticks, then when a particular ad has finished loading, ie, the graphic starts moving, then the rest of the page "unsticks".
This is not the loading part. It is when I press the latest post. The thread comes on to the top of the page and then there is a long wait. Finally, A Windows box comes on that says that a script error on this page is causing Windows to perform very slowly. Unless I press "Yes" I stay frozen. By pressing "Yes" it frees me up and allows me to scroll down the page. However, going to another page starts it all over again.

To put it blunly. You have to be very keen to want to read posts- Coukl it be a disgruntled vendor trying to get his own back?
I suspect you have done the usual clear cache, and other clean up processes?

I know its a pain, but the script error could just be linked to a particular ad.
Does it happen on all threads, or just some?
(ie, it may be a particular ad targeted to a particular thread)

I think there is an ad-blocker, but thats extreme.
I think I may have derailed Splitlinks thread!
Anyway, just narrowed down the page "sticking" to that ETX Capital banner.
As I load the page, the banner is dark, page sticks. Once the banner has loaded and graphic starts, page unsticks.
Page takes ages to load before I can interact with them> Pop up states "Long running script"
I give up.;
Only affects T2w Site !!!
I think I may have derailed Splitlinks thread!
Anyway, just narrowed down the page "sticking" to that ETX Capital banner.
As I load the page, the banner is dark, page sticks. Once the banner has loaded and graphic starts, page unsticks.

I think that it must be t2W. I've got the same problem on another computer, this afternoon.

But, to answer your thread, does yours re-stick when you go to another page?
I think that it must be t2W. I've got the same problem on another computer, this afternoon.

But, to answer your thread, does yours re-stick when you go to another page?

Another page within T2W?
as long as ETX Capital banner isnt there, it doesnt stick.

Other pages outside of T2W? Normal load-times, no sticking.
Things seem like normal, this morning. A little slow, but that has been so for a long time. The freezing and Windows box has stopped.