Buddy Lists?

I think I understand the concept of an ignore list. - You just don't see those people's posts - right? What's a buddy list for?

I got too fast with the finger. I meant to put this in the first steps. If you are a moderator reading this post - please just delete the whole thread.
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What's a buddy list for?

Hi JumpOff

as far as I am aware (and this is why I use one), a buddy list simply enables you to store the names of fellow members who are your friends!............. This may include people you have helped, people who have helped you (been in contact with) and people with similar trading styles, techniques and people who trade the same markets, for example. Or it could just be that you support the same football team etc!

A buddy list enables you to keep a record of who you may want to be in touch with.

This is a list of users you wish to identify as your Buddies. To add a user to your buddy list, go to your User CP and in the left Nav Panel under Miscellaneous, select [Buddy / Ignore Lists], type the username you wish to add in the Buddy List blank and click [Update Buddy List]
Alternately, you can clikc on their username in any post and, from the drop-down menu, click the [Add username to Your Buddy List] link.

Buddies will appear in the Users online list with a + sign following their username.