Brokers for Apple Mac


I need a broker who can supply me with a trading platform for apple mac. Havent had any joy so far. I have been using GFT's web based platform but it crashes and the charts arent the best.

What does everyone use who has an Apple Mac?

Only web based brokers are available to you. There are no vendors out there offering a thick client for mac. The Market for it is just too small. Load up parallels or fusion and you won't know any different..
Interactive Brokers platform (although basic) works perfectly on a mac. For US Stocks and Options, thinkorswim works as well.
"Generic's" firetip platform is designed as mac compatible, although the charts aren't anything to write home about... On the plus side, their charges are rock bottom.... Good luck!
Interactive Brokers platform (although basic) works perfectly on a mac. For US Stocks and Options, thinkorswim works as well.

I have a mac and sometimes use thinkorswim, but it is not truly designed for intraday trading as anything that is not a market order will be left pending for 20+ seconds and they dont offer immediate or cancel trades. Connection speed should not be a problem since they require little bandwith. What do you think of IB for HFT intraday.

Hi everyone,

I was wondering whether IT Finance charts work on an Apple mac? This is for say having 5 charts open?

Thanks in advance.
Dukascopy works on mac, similar to MT4 but different. Most web based platforms are terrible, MBtrading are developing a new one which may be decent. Fx solutions have nice charts, MIG are the same as GFT.

IT finance have some versions that works on mac.
IT Finance have said their charts will work on Apple Macs. CMC have also said their charts work. Thanks for your input jpadventure.
Well, tested non-advanced IT charts on apple laptop and keeping an eye on cpu and memory usage. Tried on Safari browser and they would not open so used the latest firefox. First chart opened and CPU usage goes up to 30 percent. Then going up to 4 charts and it is 60 percent. This is in contrast to my windows ones which is 10 percent with 5 charts open. I feel using apple and IT finance charts is not viable. Does anyone use apple and IT finance charts? It would be nice to know if you also get high CPU usage or you manage to reduce it to windows levels? IT Finance failed to respond to my email but will try again.