broker with tightest spreads.


Junior member
Hi ill probably get mauled for yet another broker thread but anyway.

I was just wondering which broker is the best for scalping i.e staying in a trade for no longer than 20 30 mins on the forex. Ideally I would like to find a broker or spreadbetting firm with a 1 pip on usd/jpy or eur/usd. Are there any brokers out there who offer this out there and you acually get filled on your orders?

thanks i have about 5 grand to play with and my strategy is profitable but tighter spread would help.

anyway thanks for any replies!
The important thing to note when choosing a broker with the tightest spreads is, do they actually fill your orders at the displayed price? Or are they going to slip your order a pip or so which negates the benefit of the tight spread.

its no problem in your trading that you are wondering about the broker and about the spread the spread as minium as 2 pips in eur/usd is good for you.and 3 pips in gbp/usd.
but you should need broker like that which offer you something like that and you can start treading from as low as 1 usd dollar.

Hi ill probably get mauled for yet another broker thread but anyway.

I was just wondering which broker is the best for scalping i.e staying in a trade for no longer than 20 30 mins on the forex. Ideally I would like to find a broker or spreadbetting firm with a 1 pip on usd/jpy or eur/usd. Are there any brokers out there who offer this out there and you acually get filled on your orders?

thanks i have about 5 grand to play with and my strategy is profitable but tighter spread would help.

anyway thanks for any replies!
Has anyone ever met a rich scalper? Scalpers are not around for long. Unless you`re doing 50/100 lots on TT`s X Trader platform your chances of success are pretty limited with a spread a/c anyhow. In my opinion its only the medium to long term trades that really make money and therefore a spread doesn´t matter!
X trader platform

Who is TT`s X Trader ?

Is used by most professionals and major institutes, also found within banks. Very fast access to very large volume! So no problem getting in and out fo the market if you are a small trader.
Hi ill probably get mauled for yet another broker thread but anyway.

I was just wondering which broker is the best for scalping i.e staying in a trade for no longer than 20 30 mins on the forex. Ideally I would like to find a broker or spreadbetting firm with a 1 pip on usd/jpy or eur/usd. Are there any brokers out there who offer this out there and you acually get filled on your orders?

thanks i have about 5 grand to play with and my strategy is profitable but tighter spread would help.

anyway thanks for any replies!

There are none ,they are all out to make a few bucks.They claim low spreads and claim to offer low spreads , but it is literally not possible to operate such a brokerage operation.The only way to get it is to trade directly with banks providing liquidity, and maybe trade with several liquidity providers simultaenousl

barx barclays fx
ubs foreign exchange
deutsche bank retail fx


There are none ,they are all out to make a few bucks.They claim low spreads and claim to offer low spreads , but it is literally not possible to operate such a brokerage operation.The only way to get it is to trade directly with banks providing liquidity, and maybe trade with several liquidity providers simultaenousl

barx barclays fx
ubs foreign exchange
deutsche bank retail fx


Does it have to be OTC forex? If you want to scalp you`d be better to use a platform like Strategy Runner and trade the futures currencies. The deal is better the spread is bid/offer. Example, one tick is worth 12,50 usd. All costs would come to arounds 8.50 usd. So just on one tick moevemnt you make 4,50 on one lot. If you scalp 4/5 ticks thats 62.50usd less 8.50 costs! Plus you get volume which is a huge plus when scalping.

But scalpers are not around for long!!!

2 pips on eur/usd is good i think.there is some broker who offer it.

With futures there is no spread on euro!

Nordmarkets offer 1 pip spread on fx but again its the aged old problem, they are like all the others, a bucket shop, so once you start makin money they will come down on you!
2 pips on eur/usd is good i think.there is some broker who offer it.

2 pip is only a streaming price which is not always executable.Many brokers offer 1/2 pip , but they never execute at half pip,once you place limit order they wait for 4 pip move in their favour and against you, before filling your trade.3.5 pips more spread WOT A FREE LUNCH!

Even on futures they wait for 1 extra pip against you before fill.Another free lunch!

They have automated software to fill u 3.5 pips against you Ha !Ha !Ha

There is no such thing as a free lunch.Spread quotes mean nothin if execution is xxxx,execution delays of 1 minute , no fills etc etc etc

2 pip is only a streaming price which is not always executable.Many brokers offer 1/2 pip , but they never execute at half pip,once you place limit order they wait for 4 pip move in their favour and against you, before filling your trade.3.5 pips more spread WOT A FREE LUNCH!

Even on futures they wait for 1 extra pip against you before fill.Another free lunch!

They have automated software to fill u 3.5 pips against you Ha !Ha !Ha

There is no such thing as a free lunch.Spread quotes mean nothin if execution is xxxx,execution delays of 1 minute , no fills etc etc etc


Never had or experienced a problem with the spread on futures euro?
Quite often experienced that the my bid/offer only gets taken once the price pass through that level but even so its still bid/offer on Strategy Runner, i.e., no spread!
why you not trade with those broker who offer you fix spread every time during trading.if you trade with them you wil not face this problem of spread.
if a broker offer you 2 spread then in 24 hours spread wil be 2 not 3 nor 1 and also give you fast execution.
Never had or experienced a problem with the spread on futures euro?

I traded EUR futures on interactive .I used to keep waiting and waiting for my buy limits to executed,even after a pip offer move against me ,orders were still open unexecuted.

Most broker's software is programmed to fill after a several pip slippage /move on limit orders.

why you not trade with those broker who offer you fix spread every time during trading.if you trade with them you wil not face this problem of spread.
if a broker offer you 2 spread then in 24 hours spread wil be 2 not 3 nor 1 and also give you fast execution.


Download DBFX demo platform and see true market spreads


Download DBFX demo platform and see true market spreads


$25k account with $100,000 minimum deal size - LodonCapitalGroup
$10k account size $10,000 minimum deal size - ODLSecurities

Have the best spreads. Lower than $10k account then consult others.

Also fixed spread is BS and only those who have reasons like EA which fails on variable spreads or the traders with limited experience prefer them.