Broker review


I would like you file a complaint about Capital Street FX forex broker. I feel they falsely advertise their bonus programs. I had been waiting to join them when they got MT4. I had multiple discussions with them about their great bonus of 900% if I deposit $5,000. That is the only requirement I was ever told. I have had many bonuses from other brokers. You are given the bonus and there are not hidden requirements to keep your money. I thought this was like any other bonus. After starting to trade I learned that you only get the bonus for 4 months. On top of this if you don’t make their unrealistic lot requirements of 9,800 lots in 4 months you lose all of the money you made to them. On top of that they are making commission and swap fees from your trading. You have to trade over 100 lots everyday to even try to come close to this lot requirement or else in 4 months all of the trading you did is a waste and they take all of the money you made. This bonus is built only for their benefit and none for the trader. I have requested my initial deposit to be refunded in the amount of $5,300. They have declined to help me in this matter.
I had the same issue with Capital Street FX. Their main task seems to be receiving your deposit, and then they make it nearly impossible to withdraw your money. They lure you in with attractive bonus offers but fail to disclose the unrealistic trading requirements upfront. I experienced the same bait-and-switch tactics with their bonus program, which is designed to benefit them, not the trader. My initial deposit was tied up due to their outrageous lot requirements, making it impossible to withdraw my earnings. What was your deposit method? I used credit card, and I'm wondering if we might have better luck with a chargeback or other forms of recourse. Let's collaborate and see if we can find a way to get our money back.
I used bitcoin. Everytime I bring it up, they change the subject and avoid to answer anything about the bonus program and the outrageous requirements. I still can’t figure out how to get my money back. They are no help.
Ohh, sad to hear that. That's why I always make deposits using a credit/debit card to be protected in case of fraud. In your case, it's challenging because you made a crypto deposit. It seems like a total fraud from Capital Street FX. What I suggest is to write emails to them each day requesting your withdrawal. Also, leave feedback on all available channels such as TrustPilot, Google Business, and other platforms to get as much attention as possible to your case. I hope it will help.