Broadband speed


Established member
Okay I know broadband is shared and with BT its 50-1 or something like that. I was just curious to what the fasted anyone has managed to get. So far the best download speed I have achieve is 595 kb/s on a 1mb line.

During the evening my download speed can drop below 100kb/s.
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595 is brilliant, only wished BT would get a move on and convert out exchange in the sticks. Best speed I have just now is only 159 via satellite, and that's from the new sat connection hanging somewhere over the States. But I guess the Yanks are waking up about now and tuning in, so it's gonna get worse as the day wears on.

I'm paying £60.00 each month for this, (now that's what I call a rip off). Bet I could get just as good a link with AOL (only one that doesn't turn you off after 2 hours continuous connection I believe)

Anyone using anything else that's better?

There is only 7,500 people in the town I live and it is the main place on the island. Also the exchange is only just down the road from me.

You cannot get this speed from a 1 meg line...

The stats are plain and simply wrong and will be for a small file transfer.

A 1 meg line will give a maximum download rate < 120k per sec

Anything above that raw speed is not physically possible.

From same site as harryp

843.2 kilobits per second

Communications 843.2 kilobits per second
Storage 102.9 kilobytes per second
1MB file download 9.9 seconds
Subjective rating Good
A 1 meg line will give a maximum download rate < 120k per sec

Anything above that raw speed is not physically possible.

Why is that JT? I thought a 512kbs could theoretically deliver a max of precisely that.

Providing we're all talking bits and not bytes that is.
Link speed is in bits per second not bytes.

IP works using a windowing system so that you can for instance recieive a lot of data packets before you acknowledge receipt. The flow will stop until you ack

Therefoe latency affects throughput aswell. A rule of thumb is to devide a link speed by 10 and you will be farly close (actually usually a little under)

Please accept that this is a very convoluted technical explaination!

Oh dear, my BT Broadband 512k only registered 135k/sec! Which is mediocre apparently.
You are lucky.. mine is 88! But have got 3 other computers running on it and downloading files as well, so not really a proper test I think.
Had BT out today and I am on the borderline for broadband.. so just have to put up with it, at least I can get it and it is far superior and cheaper than 24/7 dial up
I didn't have anything else running at the time! I generally don't trade on options expiry day.
was 88 with all the computers and now 418, and I am on the edge of availability and got red box by BT engineer on test and no other line available so overall I am very pleased.. compared to extremely slow dial up...yawn, yawn
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My BT broadband registered 429kbs which apparantly is quite reasonable. Our exchange has only just been enabled, and as it only serves a large village there are probably no more than a couple of dozen BB users at the moment.
try NTL. They are really good with max speed going over 1mb. Also, they have broadband medic service just in case. it will repair any connection probs. and clean up internet junk if you want it to, plus other services like live technical help.