Broadband Connection Speed


Active member
I have a query for anyone with solid technical knowledge as mine is fairly limited.

I've just been on the phone to BT and they're going to upgrade me from 1MB to 3MB download speed for free (as well as send me a free wireless home hub).

Now I day trade from home, and I use 2 laptops; they're on all day every day from 8am until 9pm.

I speak to my trading buddy for hours on end every day using MSN. We used Skype at first but the call quality was absolute pants. MSN is far better, but still mediocre. I'm in London, he's in South Wales. Now when I talk to people in USA Skype is much better, almost perfect.

My questions are: if MSN and Skype use the same technology (voip) why are they so different in call quality? Does the fact that my friend's download speed is 4MB make a difference?
Does the fact that I'm sharing my "pipe" with many local users to my exchange make a difference? Why is Skype better to USA than South Wales?

I never have and never will download music or videos etc from the web, and I never will as I have no interest in such things; so you might ask why bother to upgrade my speed - well, I'm hoping it may improve the call quality of MSN/Skype for my long chats during the day. Am I wasting my time?
I speak to my trading buddy for hours on end every day using MSN. We used Skype at first but the call quality was absolute pants

I dont have this issue at all, the quality of voice calls on Skype is great. It is more likely something to do with the setup on your PC
