British Madoff ran £14 million ponzi


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a scam on every corner

British Madoff admits running £14m Ponzi scheme which ripped off high-profile footballers and golfer Monty's ex-wife

* Terry Freeman funded a lavish lifestyle with millions from his clients
* City trader even reassured investors they were safe after Madoff scandal
* Up to 700 people may have fallen fallen to his fraudulent business

A City trader pleaded guilty today to establishing a 'ponzi' scheme in which up to 700 victims were defrauded of at least £14 million.

Investors from all walks of life invested hundreds of thousands of pounds with Terry Freeman and his company GFX Capital, with the promise of big financial returns.

His victims included high-profile footballers and golfer Colin Montgomerie's ex-wife Eimear.

Today the 62-year-old admitted fraudulent trading and a string of other offences at Southwark Crown Court in London.

Angry investors, some of whom had lost their life savings, were in the public gallery for the hearing. He admitted stealing £14 million but his victims said the true figure was at least £23 million.

One of Freeman's victims was said to have handed over £1.5 million, received GFX reports stating his investment had risen to £2.7 million, and later found just £15,000 left in his trading account.

The fraudster was accused of hiding the fact that he was losing investors' money on the markets for several years and meanwhile spending their investment on a lavish lifestyle, City of London Police said.

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His financial dealings came to light after he was investigated following his complaints to the police that he was being threatened by his victims.

I'm rather heartened that anyone could be both convincing enough to con bods out of £14 AND stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot.

Makes you wonder at the levels of intelligence of those who were conned.

To find out if he was a t2w member, let's see who stops posting for a bit....

On which subject, for those who might have been wondering if my last few weeks absence from the site was as a result of yet another visit to The Priory, no. I went down to Frinton at the invitation of the Rotary club to assist them with some investment issues they were having trouble resolving. Didn't get as far as the club unfortunately.

On asking someone for directions, I dropped an 'H', made two errors of grammar and inadvertently allowed the plum to fall out of my mouth. I was instantly seized and put in prison for failing to be in possession of appropriate character, background and breeding. I tried to bribe them but they said they weren’t falling for that one again.

Madoff, the Frinton freak, this freak or any other person who's going to 'make' you a tonne of cash. The lowest common demoninator is they all controlled the money. Hence they could steal it whenever they wanted.

By all means invest with people but if you ever let them control the cash then it's your fault if it goes missing. But remember this, a conman will always tell you it's not possible to invest that way and therefore you'll be missing out on the easy profits. But again, give them the cash and.......
I'm 41 by the way.

Is Monty's ex-wife not one the THE most beautiful women on the planet? Check her out in that picture. She gets my vote for sure. Just a shame if we ever hook up that I wouldn't be able to pronounce her name properly 🙂

pity her feet are blurred
His financial dealings came to light after he was investigated following his complaints to the police that he was being threatened by his victims.

I'm rather heartened that anyone could be both convincing enough to con bods out of £14 AND stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot.

Makes you wonder at the levels of intelligence of those who were conned.

To find out if he was a t2w member, let's see who stops posting for a bit....

On which subject, for those who might have been wondering if my last few weeks absence from the site was as a result of yet another visit to The Priory, no. I went down to Frinton at the invitation of the Rotary club to assist them with some investment issues they were having trouble resolving. Didn't get as far as the club unfortunately.

On asking someone for directions, I dropped an 'H', made two errors of grammar and inadvertently allowed the plum to fall out of my mouth. I was instantly seized and put in prison for failing to be in possession of appropriate character, background and breeding. I tried to bribe them but they said they weren’t falling for that one again.

I am, once again, convulsed. BTW, verbification of that word owes itself to the late, great Preston Sturges, who deployed it in the mouth of Joel McCrea in "The Palm Beach Story".
That girl's pretty if 16 year olds are your thing 🙂

But where's the class?
I'm quite tempted to have a go at this Ponzi lark.
Ol' Bernie M' (I said Bernie M' - not Boney M! C'mon, pay attention at the back there). Where was I? Ah yes, ol' Bernie M' got 150 year jail term for his effort involving something in the region of $52 billion. Matey in this latest watered down U.K. scheme conned his victims of a mere £14 - £23 million. I'll let one of you clever maffs bods crunch the exact numbers but, on a pro rata basis, I reckon he'll only go down for a month or two at most. Makes a spell at Her Majesty's pleasure look almost inviting!
I'm quite tempted to have a go at this Ponzi lark.
Ol' Bernie M' (I said Bernie M' - not Boney M! C'mon, pay attention at the back there). Where was I? Ah yes, ol' Bernie M' got 150 year jail term for his effort involving something in the region of $52 billion. Matey in this latest watered down U.K. scheme conned his victims of a mere £14 - £23 million. I'll let one of you clever maffs bods crunch the exact numbers but, on a pro rata basis, I reckon he'll only go down for a month or two at most. Makes a spell at Her Majesty's pleasure look almost inviting!

Yeah, but those cons don't do the full stretch, do they?
150 years! pfft! With good behaviour, Bernie will be out in 100 years. 110 max.
Arabian, if I ever catch you complaining about the qaulity of posting on this site, I will link to your post above (should it survive...)

On the other hand, it does underline some deeper social issues that may have led to the ability of Freeman to have accomplished as much as he did.

It may have been a bad camera angle, but I can't help thinking that with £14M he could have scored a little better with wife #3. Olga from the Volga is no beauty.
Here we go again?

'Charles Dickens’ ‘Little Dorrit’: Compassion even toward Mr. Merdle—a swindler like Wall Street’s Bernard Madoff - it's gotta be worth a look?:

Mini-Merdle or what?



I'm quite tempted to have a go at this Ponzi lark.
Ol' Bernie M' (I said Bernie M' - not Boney M! C'mon, pay attention at the back there). Where was I? Ah yes, ol' Bernie M' got 150 year jail term for his effort involving something in the region of $52 billion. Matey in this latest watered down U.K. scheme conned his victims of a mere £14 - £23 million. I'll let one of you clever maffs bods crunch the exact numbers but, on a pro rata basis, I reckon he'll only go down for a month or two at most. Makes a spell at Her Majesty's pleasure look almost inviting!

This might put you off the idea Timsk.
He lives round the corner from me. Figured he'd do better than a house in Whitehall Ln with £14m.